A whole new way to conceive fast in 3 months or less…

Yogic Secret to Fertility Health and Fastest Conception

Reclusive, Traditional, Indian Woman and Diehard Follower of Yogic Wisdom

At Last Revealing "3 Step Fertility Code" for the first time ever that CAN…

  • Reverse your infertility
  • Protect Your Fertility
  • Relieve You from All the Hormonal Problems

Finally Help You Become a Mother and Fulfill your Womanhood

Even If…

  • You Are On Your Late 30’s or 40’s
  • You Have Tubal Obstruction
  • You Have High Levels of FSH
  • You Have PCOS or Endometriosis
  • You Have Uterine Fibroids or Uterus Scarring
  • You Have Ovarian Cysts Or ‘Lazy Ovaries’
  • You Have A History of Miscarriages

Without Resorting To Drugs, IVF or IUI Procedures… Faster and Easier than You Ever Thought Possible…

Dear Friend,

Did you know what your actual problem?

Doctors and the society programming you to believe that something is wrong in your body and therefore the treatment is not working… You also strongly believe that fault is yours and the treatment is right….

Unless you change this wrong belief, there will be no end to your suffering.

Here is the truth…

Getting pregnancy is not that hard as you believe now...

Getting rid of all your hormonal problems is not that hard. Restoring your body balance is not that hard. Getting pregnancy is not that hard…

Your body is fantastic self healing system and it is can miraculously heal if do things right.

Relying only on modern medicine, you are risking your health and fertility…

This may sound unbelievable to you…


You believe that something is wrong with your body. You believe that without doctors or treatment you can’t conceive…..

All your beliefs are far from truth.

Yogic secret to fertility health and fastest conception...

Acknowledge and realize this fact…

Modern treatment is treating the symptoms of your body and therefore it can relieve symptoms but it can’t root out the real cause of your hormonal imbalance and fertility problems.

Your infertility is being caused from 3 levels. It is causing in your body. It is causing in your mind. It is causing in your energy.

Unless you treat your infertility problem from all the 3 levels i.e. body, mind and energy it is very difficult to get pregnancy.

That is the reason trying to get pregnancy becomes so hard for you. It is not your failure. It is the modern treatment failure.

Modern medicine can’t handle your infertility problem at mind and energy levels.

Finally here is the greatest news: The easiest, the fastest and the cheapest way to get pregnant...

Pregnancy happens when your body is in balance.

There are only three things to do to restore your body balance, reverse infertility and conceive fast.

Here are the 3 things to do….1. Nourish your BODY 2. Reprogram your subconscious MIND 3. Unblock your ENERGY.

Fighting Infertility at 3 levels is by far the easiest, the fastest and the cheapest way to deal with your infertility problem, because you are leveraging unbelievable potential of your body, mind and energy.

You can do this. Your doctors can’t do this. In fact you can alone do this.

But before I get into all the exciting details, allow me to introduce myself:

I’m Suzi Ben. I’m a Fertility Blogger...

I am not a gynecologist. I am not a nutritionist. But I and my husband are deeply pained by this issue and therefore we decide to dedicate our life to help women fix infertility problem….

I’m Suzi Ben. I’m a Fertility Blogger, Article Writer and Author.

I’ve been running fightyourinfertility.com blog since 2013 with support of my husband.

We are die-hard followers and practitioners of yogic wisdom.

It’s likely you’ve never heard of me though. I’ve been content to keep a pretty low profile and remain behind the scenes as I am a traditional Indian woman.

So! I am conscious of what I am talking…

Here’s what it’s all about…

Long story short:

I’m going to give you a few cool surprises when you take advantage of my latest book “THE STEP FERTILITY CODE”.


I’ve been writing for my blog for several years as I said above… but I refuse to share my most effective hard-core fertility secrets there.

See, I don’t want my most effective eastern health secrets indexed by Google for the entire world to see. I only want to reveal THAT to the women who are willing to change and open to the new ideas, understand its value and will take action.

So now, all my very best health secrets and the most powerful scientific revelations that the mainstream doctors unwilling to reveal to the people are being shared in my book “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE”.

Each page of the book is like having a treasure of mind blowing information on hormone balancing and fertility enhancing secrets that practically change your life. All you have to do is follow the simple and easiest t “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE”.

I’ve poured my heart and soul into this book… and sharing EVERYTHING I’ve discovered about women hormones and fertility health in our combined 11 years as a health and fertility bloggers.

You see, I know my most humbling experiences are going to be the most life-changing… and in some cases, life-SAVING for you.

You’re going to get very personal and “REAL” information about what works and what doesn’t work to help you get pregnant FAST.

You’ll get to see…

The “Secrets of Yogic Health Principles and Latest Scientific Breakthroughs” Mind secrets, yogic truths… and the dangers of current treatments… I’m going to reveal it ALL to you….

Did our Ancient Yogis encode an INFERTILITY CURE in 5000 years old yogic science?

 YES! You Can Increase Fertility many times according to yogic wisdom…

YES! You Can Protect Your Fertility Even If you are Failing Aged and Giving up!

If you’re over the age of 35 and concerned about your Infertility problems, I want to share some amazing news…

Yes you can conceive safely in 3 months or less

Yes, it’s possible! Yes, you can rejuvenate your body and make it ready for conception.

Fast forward three months everything changes.

No more confusion about what to do, when to do, how to do. No more guesswork, no more wondering who to trust, where to go for help.

Instead, imagine finishing 3 months of unique fertility system that clear the blockage and supercharge your reproductive organs and INCREASE your chances of PREGNANCY multi-fold.

How does that feel?

What would it be like if you just relaxed, and learned how to conceive naturally?

You don’t have to do it, just consider what it would be like…

This opportunity is ‘better than’ the best, because you are harnessing the power of your body, mind and energy....

What doctors can’t do, you can do it with your body, mind and energy…

The core of any therapy should be restoring the body balance… (When I say “body balance” I am not referring about your hormonal imbalance. I am referring about body, mind and energy balance.

That’s crazy, right?

Your Body can fight all the diseases if do just 2 things (Doctors don’t want you to know this secret)…

The most valuable gift you have for this life is your body. The gift you have almost function on autopilot with highest level of mechanics, electronics and computing that you could ever think…

Disease and cellular malfunction caused in two basic ways: either, deficiency (cells not getting all they need) or toxicity (cells being poisoned by things they do not need).

Your MIND can restore hormonal imbalances (Doctors don’t know this yet)

What doctors can’t do, your sub conscious mind can do it…

The Secret KEY to Woman Health…to reprogram your subconscious mind and take control over your thoughts.

Your mind is a miraculous healing machine. So, if you can learn how to use your mind and stay joyful, your reproductive health will be restored.

Food is a factor for your infertility and hormonal disturbances to an extent of 15 to 25% only. So 75 to 85% of the factor is the subconscious mind.

Unblocking Your ENERGY can root out all your reproductive problems…

According to yogic system, all the fertility problems are caused by blockage in sacral chakra (pelvic center). The deep buried emotions of guilt and shame blocks your sacral centre.

You blocked pelvic center unconsciously. You can unblock and allow the flow of sexual energy to your reproductive organs consciously. So getting fertility is absolutely in your hands.

So Get rid of infertility worries for good.

If you stick with me, I will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt how you can conceive in 3 months or less as I promised…..

New yogic strategy could help you conceive in 90 days or less

I know that’s a pretty bold promise.

But the reason I can make this promise to you is because I am fascinated by the powers of yogic science and that helped tens of thousands and millions of people over thousands of years just like you.

If they can benefit, you can too…

But, here’s a problem…

Are you literally complicating your infertility problem by following what doesn’t work?

What doesn’t work?

All the fertility problems are caused by hormonal imbalance.

Hormonal imbalance is caused by improper diet, chronic stress and wrong lifestyle practices.

So, all the infertility issues of modern world are caused by improper diet, chronic stress and wrong lifestyle practices and consequent deterioration of reproductive system.

That treatment for hormonal imbalance should be correcting these 3 things. But unfortunately, modern medicine tries to cure improper diet, chronic stress and wrong lifestyle practices with the pills and surgeries.

Hence, there is no surprise that your treatment going on for years without success.

So modern medicine alone cannot restore hormonal balance caused by improper diet, chronic stress and wrong lifestyle practices.

What works fast?

The one question you must ask yourself is “What is the right treatment for me?” Whether modern treatment or alternative treatment?

Here I want you to know that there is no such thing as the right treatment.

We call it as a right treatment when we are able to fix the problem efficiently both in terms of time and cost…

If you agree this…

You can’t say that your fertility treatment is right…

Let me ask a question…

Is it not wise to use both…

Yes you heard right…

Modern treatment treat the symptoms and alternative treatments treat the underlying cause…So one complement the other…

That’s right…

The real secret to conceive in 3 months is using the both therapies wisely and that is how your dream becomes a reality.

The real secret to conceive fast is to harness the power of your body, mind and energy along with your current treatment…

Introducing “The 3 Step Fertility Code”

The 3 Step Fertility Code Cover -3

The ONLY place you can get your hands on my breakthrough discovery that helps you conceive in 3 months or less…

But let me warn you…

My information in the book is RAW. I don’t pull any punches… I simply don’t have time for “chaff”. “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE” is all “wheat”.

They contain the most intense personal stuff I’ve ever discovered being a traditional Hindu woman die-hard follower of yogic lifestyle.

(Remember… It is not about yogic poses…It is about how to RUN your body, mind and energy optimally for your fertility health and safe conception.)

It took me a long time to make up my mind to reveal them to the world…

There’s simply no doubt about it… this is THE BOOK for women who want to learn the real secrets of fertility health, conception happiness & energetic lifestyle.

I am giving you unique insider info and life changing tips and techniques you will NEVER read in my blog or any other platform in the entire world.

Inside THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE, you’ll discover:

Page 150 – How too much numbing the feminine energy not good for your fertility health!

If a girl is bullied about her body, she develops low self-esteem about her and she starts numbing her sensuality unconsciously … Every woman numb the sexual energy to lesser or greater degree…

See P 144 and learn how you can REALIGN with your Feminine Energy…This natural hormone balance trick increase your fertility better than anything you’ve ever tried…

Page 186 – The surprising truth about PCOS…

Competitiveness is good socially but harmful biologically…From the health point of view competitiveness is not conducive to the woman’s biological system. When you are fiercely competitive, your body generates testosterone which is predominantly a male hormone. Excess testosterone causes PCOS. Excess testosterone also disturbs estrogen and progesterone balance and thereby causes all the fertility problems. Find out how you can reduce testosterone levels naturally and safely without drugs…

Page 79 – Discover the link between infertility and loss of loved one; loss of your pet; loss of even a toy; sexual abuse or other kinds of physical abuse in formative age…Learn how to get close into your buried thoughts and emotions and repair them. (Buried negative beliefs do not allow your conception and perhaps this could be the real reason your body is not responding to the treatment.)

Page 146 – Yogic secret is revealed…

When there is a blockage in sacral centre (pelvic center), the organs of reproductive system like ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes didn’t receive sufficient energy and result in all the fertility problems. Learn to unblock the energy flow (3rd step of the 3 step fertility code P-142) and enhance chance of getting pregnancy by 99% (Without drugs, pills, injections, shakes, powders or crazy diets)

Page 36 – The Ultimate yogic secret revealed…

“Disturbance in Mind; Disease in Body”“Corrections if any in the Body must start with the Mind.” – Two popular quotes from Vethathiri Maharishi a spiritual leader, scientist, Philosopher, Siddha, Ayurvedic, Homeopathic practitioner, founder of over 300 yoga centers and author of about 80 books…The point is simple. Mind first, Body next. So first, healing must start in your mind… See P 142 and learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind and restore your reproductive health in 28 days…

Page 125 – Finally the complete and honest answer as to why you have Infertility and why some women always seem to make their Infertility worse and how you can GUARANTEE to reverse it…(Even though this truth is known in yogic and aurvedic system of health, Western doctors doesn’t know this truth yet)

Read this carefully or you may suffer irreversible infertility...

Today you have a 95% chance of eventually ending up with irreversible infertility for which there is already a known cure.

The first shocking thing I discovered is that almost everyone is dead wrong in the way they try to treat their Infertility.

It’s a fact; the methods you’re probably using right now to treat your Infertility might be severely damaging your reproductive, hormonal system and your general health.

Don’t expect miraculous outcomes from your conventional treatment.

Your body is a complete self balancing and self healing organism. Your Body can fight all the hormonal problems…

The goal of fertility treatment should be restoring the body balance (“homeostasis”) but not getting pregnancy. (Pregnancy happens naturally when the body balance is restored.)

The right foods, right exercises and maintaining a restful state can restore the body balance and reverse all your fertility problems without use of drugs, pills and surgery.

Doctors are not trained in the subject of diets, nutrition and subconscious mind reprogramming. (Doctors are trained to prescribe drugs and medicines.) So you don’t expect miraculous outcomes from your conventional treatment.

Why 99% of women eventually fail?

Even though the solution is simple many women mess up and eventually fail. The main reason for their failure is lack of a proven and simplified system that is easy to follow.

What you need actually…

Despite what you may have heard and what you believe…

I’m here to tell you, during last 10 years as an infertility blogger, I’ve discovered that any women can conceive naturally.

YES, It’s True!All that you need is just two things…

1. Right mindset
2. Easy to follow system that optimizes your body, mind and energy…

Now you have two choices...

You can stay the same…

Treating the symptoms with modern medicine and continuously ignoring miraculous self-healing powers of your body mind and energy.

• Keep on thinking the same thoughts of something is wrong with my body and I „may remain infertile…

• Or struggling to get pregnancy years together desperately hoping for success…

• Blaming your family and friends for their insensitivity and not understanding your problem…

• Spending all the hard earned money and destroying financially…

•Relying only on modern medicine, you are risking your fertility and health…

The fertility treatment goes on for 3 years; 4 years; 7 years……….. (No consistency and no guarantee) Perhaps you have been trying to conceive for more than two or three years. You might have anovulatory periods or other fertility problems. You might have tried Clomid cycles or other kinds of pills but nothing seems to be working…

This kind of situation definitely puts strain on your relationship also. The fear and anxiety is a natural consequence of a doubt…

“What if I can’t give a child to my husband”?

IVF hidden risks: The drugs can give you a heart attack. Egg retrieval carries risks of bleeding, infection, and damage to the bowel or bladder. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) involves a significant physical, financial, and emotional commitment on the part of a couple. IVF is expensive, and many insurance plans do not provide coverage for fertility treatment. The cost for a single IVF cycle can range from at least $12,000-$17,000.

You can start changing your lifestyle

• That protects your fertility…

• That relieves you from all your hormonal problems…

• That helps you get pregnant in next 60 to 90 days.

• That fulfills your long cherished goal of becoming a mother…

How would it feel…?

• How would it feel to know exactly what you need to do NOW to improve your fertility and prepare your body for easier conception, a healthy pregnancy, and a cheerful journey into motherhood?

• Get pregnant even if you’ve been told you have little chance of conceiving.

• Carry a baby to term, reducing the chance of a miscarriage.

• Achieve motherhood without spending hundreds and thousands of dollars.

• Get appreciation from friends and family members…

Know exactly what you need to do in THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE and discover how you can improve your fertility....

Page 22 – You’re damaging your health and fertility FAST… and you don’t even know it. (Even if you believe that you are living a healthy lifestyle) Here’s what you must do right now to preserve your health and fertility…

Page 27 – The reason why you should stop focusing on getting pregnancy and start focusing on restoring homeostasis a sure path to get pregnancy that you never thought possible…( Warning! It is very difficult to conceive when your body homeostasis is out of balance…)

Page 107 – Real cause revealed:

Fertility problems and hormonal imbalances can be caused in two basic ways: either, deficiency (cells not getting all they need) or toxicity (cells being poisoned by things they do not need). Without correcting this cellular malfunctioning the chance of conceiving is very negligible. (The reason why you are not getting pregnancy no matter what you do…) See Page 108 – and learn how you can fix this problem using First 3 Steps of the hormone balance plan…

Page 35 – Spiritual truth is revealed here!

Body is extension of mind. Mind is extension of energy. Energy is extension of the Almighty. So your body mind and energy are divine expressions. Would you continuously ignore Almighty blessings just relying on your doctor?????

Page 116 – Two group of foods you use them everyday MUST be avoided or at least reduced completely as they disturb your hormonal system and significantly contribute to the development of infertility. (Once you avoid these foods, you can see a dramatic change your health in few days or few weeks time because your body resumes its self healing powers) 110

Could this be the greatest fertility system ever discovered?

As I have told you I have been blogging about infertility problem since 2013. I have written hundreds of articles in my blog.

During this journey as a fertility blogger I have discovered that our body, mind and energy have miraculous capacity to bounce back from hormonal imbalance and rejuvenate reproductive health.

But unfortunately modern doctors not leveraging the capacity of human body mind and energy and that is why treatment goes on for years together…

We are die-hard followers and practitioners of yogic wisdom. We practically know how to leverage the body, mind and energy miraculous healing powers.

There’s simply no doubt about it…

I am giving you unique insider info and life changing tips and techniques you will NEVER read in my blog or any other platform in the entire world.

What if you had a simple blueprint for a quick, natural and safe pregnancy?

Get Pregnant Naturally With a Safe, Effective and Clear blueprint and Put an End to The Confusion and Conflicting Advice Once and For All.

If you’re frustrated and confused by information overload and bad/conflicting advice, then the 3 step fertility code is THE SYSTEM that will finally make everything clear for you. When you finish reading the book, you’ll say to yourself, “NOW I GET IT!”…

All the pieces of the infertility puzzle will finally fall into place. You’ll finally understand the truth behind your infertility problems, the real deep rooted causes, and everything you need to do to conceive fast and end infertility struggle once for all.

Fighting Infertility at 3 levels is the key to conceiving fast and it’s attainable only through The 3 Step Fertility Code.

The 3 step fertility code is the only system that intelligently blends western science and eastern wisdom…

The 3 step fertility code helps you to get pregnancy even if you are failing, aged and giving up. A unique 3 step system designed to fix your body, mind and energy imbalance… …that rejuvenates your reproductive organs and makes your uterus ready for conception…and a healthy, full-term pregnancy.

What you’ll discover inside this program:

Discover the detailed system and follow the techniques that increase fertility 3 times (many times) and help you conceive fast even if you are failing aged and giving up!

1. Revive miraculous body pharmacy

What must you NEVER believe, even if your doctor tells you that…“Fault lies in your body and that is why you are not getting pregnant?” Here is the truth Your body is the most intelligent with miraculous healing powers and the fault lies with ineffectiveness of the modern medicine (almost every woman is guilty of this wrong belief, which instead of reversing your Infertility, weakens and destroys body‟s natural ability to defend itself, thus putting their fertility health in serious risk. (We call it NOCEBO EFFECT)

2. Pregnancy magic in 90 days

The shocking truth about conventional infertility treatments and the medication trap…The fertility treatment goes on for 3 years; 4 years; 7 years……….. (no consistency and no guarantee)…and discover how you can stop sabotaging your chances of getting pregnancy and how you can finally protect your fertility naturally and become a mother in 90 days following holistic approach (optimizing the body, mind and energy) in your fertility treatment.

The 3 step fertility code works because you are doing the right thing

You have been trying to get pregnant for months without any success… You have tried everything that your doctor told you… You’re fed up with people saying… you have to eat this or that…

You don’t believe in anything other than mainstream treatment and your Doctor ridicules alternative therapies…

You question yourself “what is wrong with me and why can’t I get pregnant?”

Existence is neutral. It is not judgmental…

If we do right things, right things will happen to us. So instead of asking “what is wrong with me and why can’t I get pregnant?” ask the questions like “Am I eating right foods” … “Am I thinking right thoughts‟…” “Am I living the right lifestyle”. If you can find answers to these questions you can fix your fertility problem easily…

Realize this truth…

With Right Soil, Right Seed, Right Water and Right Sunlight the Seed will sprout… And the plant will grow. There is no question of failure. This Is The Law of Life… The wise farmer therefore, never focus on the fruit but only focus on soil, water etc because he knew that fruit happens automatically.

Here Is a Small Sample of What You’ll Learn When You Download Your Copy of the 3 Step fertility code System Today

Page 134 – How to release energy flow to your reproductive organs in 15 to 20 minute mind exercise! (A regular practice of this technique fortifies your ovaries, fallopian tubes uterus and restores your fertility naturally.)

Page 116 – See how a certain foods that 85% of the world eats on a daily basis destroy gut imbalance and causes metabolic syndrome the root cause of all the hormonal problems…… We also show you the top healthy alternatives which are the great source of antioxidants, protein, vitamins, and minerals essential for restoring body balance and restoring your fertility health.

Page 155 – How to unblock feminine energy to increase the chance of fertility multifold. (The best and easiest fertility health yogic secret, every intelligent woman should make use of it to recover from all the fertility problems)

Page 53 – Discover one important mindset change required, when changed can virtually dissolve all your infertility anxieties and worries (and almost all women suffer this mindset problem)

Page 86 – Are you seriously ready to raise your fertility levels almost in a couple of weeks?

Do this simple mind exercise ritual 2 times a day… you only need 10 to 15 of minutes for each time! (Blissfulness becomes part of your life because this ritual builds new neural pathways in your brain and release happy chemicals in your bloodstream)…This scientifically proven ritual alone can transform your life and destiny.

Page 116 – The 2 most important nutritional foundations to an effective fertility program (ignore them and it will become even more difficult to conceive)

Page 133 – Most women suffering with infertility have an energy block stopping the energy flow to reproductive organs (like low voltage problem to electric appliances) Here’s how to identify the “block” where you’re losing fertility and life itself… and how to quickly unblock it to allow the flow of vital energy needed for restoring reproductive health.

Page 142 – How to GET PREGNANT FAST Following an Exclusive NEW Fertility Breakthrough Technique, that Shortcut Your Way to Get Pregnancy by Unblocking and Releasing Women’s Vital Energies through Our 3rd Step Hormone Balancing Plan.

Page 113 – The quickest, easiest way to restore your body balance fully is by following “What to eat and what not to eat” (The single most important hormone repairing, imbalance correcting affect that eliminate all your hormone related problems like excess androgen (PCOS), low AMH levels, high Prolactin levels, elevated estrogen levels (fibroids and endometriosis).

Page: 52 – Three things you can do right from today to safeguard your gut balance that is prerequisite to protect you from life threatening hormonal problems. (If you don’t do these 3 things you will be aggravating your hormonal problems and attracting chronic diseases unknowingly — (this is crucial for restoring your fertility)

Page 168, 171, 177 – Want to get rid of all the hormonal problems?
You’ll discover three little “lifestyle” changes to pump up your blissfulness and you can’t stop singing and dancing … bringing your vital energy back like never before. (It takes all of 10 minutes a day to habituate!)

Page 155 – A little known method (less than 1% of people know this truth) that restores hormonal balance, multiply fertility health and boost vitality in a few months… without any expensive drugs or medical interventions (The yogic secret to enhancing women fertility)

20 fertility affirmations, when you say it to yourself the right way, all your infertility problems disappear from your body … and you can conceive soon! (Beliefs create biology. Biology creates Health. There is whole science behind it. We call it “placebo effect” in our popular culture)

Page 71 – A simple and easy 30 minute daily routine that ensures a daily dose of restfulness (not sleeping) necessary to restore your fertility. If you ignore this one thing the infertility psychosis can “endanger” your fertility irreversibly.

That’s a “sneak peek” at just a HANDFUL of the many exciting information I’m giving away to you in my book “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE”…

I really understand!

Walking into the room when everyone is labeling you as infertile is very painful that I can’t put into words .You have to sit in the RE’s office countless hours. Undergo embarrassing internal exams. And yet your doctor can’t tell you why infertility problem come to you and why the treatment is not giving the timely results…

Not anymore…

Inside THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE, you’ll find out the ‘hidden secrets' about your current treatment …

If you are suffering with any one of the following hormonal problems and fertility problems THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE, Is the “must-have guide” for you…

• Anovulation
• Blockage in fallopian tubes
• Fibroids
• Endometriosis
• Polycystic ovary syndrome
• Ovarian cysts
• Miscarriages
• Hydrosalpinx
• Infertility
• Or ANY one who has a sincere desire to fight all hormonal problems…

If you’re finally ready to DRAMATICALLY increase your fertility and join the ranks of the truly healthy……and aren’t afraid to CHANGE the life….

You Simply MUST Download this book Right Away!

If you’ve assumed I’ve already shared everything I have to share in my blog at FightYourInfertility.comyou couldn’t be more mistaken.

I’ve hardly even scratched the surface.

All my most effective and proven fertility enhancing and hormone balancing secrets are now exclusively shared in THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE”

Take me up on this offer here and now and you will become a cherished member of the most intelligent group of women in the world (without the health everything is waste in life) …

I’m going to treat you like my extended family… because I really DO care about your health and happiness.

In a nutshell…

“THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE” is an Ultimate Weapon against All the hormonal Problems that You Never Imagined Possible. Every women should have this hormone health manual because every women suffer with small or big hormone problems. 


This three step hormone balancing plan is easy for every woman to follow, yet extremely effective at curing all the hormonal problems naturally in the shortest possible of time.

Try it Risk Free for 60 Days

Has your doctor ever offered you a written guarantee? What about the drugs you take; do they guarantee results? Well, we do. This is why you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Our #1 goal is to help you with an easy to use guide that you can start using today. We don’t want a penny of your money if our protocol doesn’t completely overhaul your health for the better.

This is why we extend to you this written 60 day money back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied for any reason – send us an email and we will refund all of your money.

“How Much Is This Going to Cost Me?”

Here is  What You are Receiving Today…

1. You are getting “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE” Ebook with over 200 pages of Yogic secrets and new scientific breakthroughs along with over 50 graphical illustrations…that you will not find anywhere else, not even bookstores.

2. You are also getting 35 pages “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE Chapter Wise Summary and Chapter Wise Fertility Affirmations”. (After you finish the main book you can remember everything just reading the summary of the book often. This ensures you remain energetic and never lose hope again.)

3. You are also provided with a separate PDF containing “20 Fertility Affirmations”. You can take a print out put it in your bed room and follow the ritual as suggested in the main book. (This 10 minute exercise alone capable of transforming your life and destiny….)This alone is more valuable than what you are paying today …)

4. You are also getting  “7 Fertility Checklists”. Here are the list of 7 fertility checklists.

1. The First Infertility Cure Checklist
2. The Ultimate Fertility Checklist
3. The 3 Step Fertility Code Check List
4. The 7 Fertility Mistakes Checklist
5. The 7 Fertility Hacks Checklist
6. The Infertility Risks Checklist
7. The Better than Fertility Checklist

Think about how much time and money you can save!

• The average infertility patient spends over $1182 every year on medication and things… imagine being free of this burden.
• The average IVF treatment cost is over $24,373
• The time spent going to doctors, specialists, checkups – something you won’t have to do as often anymore.
• Think about all the health risks you can potentially avoid…

We were advised to sell it for $97. For the amount of work we put in, that price seemed fair. We know that the information in the book can protect your fertility and prevent life threatening diseases, but we don’t want to profit off others suffering. We did not start fightyourinfertility.com to become rich; we simply want to help as many women as possible.

This is why we settled on a bargain basement reduced price of just $47. But we don’t know how long we can keep the price so low. If our operating costs go up, so will the price of the book.

Since it is the book launch time! You Qualify For The

Early-Bird Discount…

One time cost of $17

A Choice that is Worth Making – NOW

Order Now and Get the following Bonuses Also…

Apart from main offer you are also receiving the following Five BONUSES….

Bonus 1: How “The 3 Step Fertility Code” Works? The Proven Science and Principles

Bonus 2:Free lifetime updates of “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE”

Bonus 3: “Ten Commandments of Fertility Health” To Protect Your Motherhood (9 Page Short Report

Bonus 4: “The Infertility Cheatsheet” to Fix 15 Common Fertility Problems (15 Page Short Report)

Bonus 5: “The 3 Step Male Infertility Plan” To Fix Male Infertility Problems (5 Page Short Report)

The value of bonuses itself are priceless. Then what are you waiting for..


Namaste And Best Wishes from,

Suzi Ben
Praveen Ben

Founders of fightyourinfertility.com
Yogic life practitioners, Fertility and Health bloggers  and authors of “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE”

P.S. See Page 20 – And Get to Know the impending risk of 73 various health problems, apart from damaging infertility; Realize the importance of Starting three step natural hormone balance plan before it’s too late!

P.S.S. – We are fertility bloggers and maintaining our fightyourinfertility. com blog since last 7 years or so… Having written hundreds of articles we have fully realized the limitations of modern treatments and adverse affects of neglecting the root cause of hormonal imbalances…We worked on this project for over a year as we want to help our followers and protect their fertility. We treat this as God given opportunity to serve them. THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE is therefore result of more than one year of hard work…So you can rely on us without any doubt…( by the way the three step hormone balance plan don’t interfere with your current treatment as it completely dietary and lifestyle changes based. While conventional treatment relieves your symptoms, the three step hormone balance plan completely root out the problem. So you can use this to complement your treatment…)

P. S.S.S – That’s right; you can try “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE Three Step Hormone Balance Plan” for 60 days and if you don’t see any improvement of your hormonal health you can ask for full refund and I refund every penny. Therefore, you have nothing to lose by at least trying my unique hormonal balancing plan and fertility enhancing system.

NOTE: “THE 3 STEP FERTILITY CODE” is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonuses onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

Created and led by Suzi Ben and Praveen Ben, we are health bloggers who strive to bring you the latest scientific findings, newest health treatment methods and 15,000 years old Yogic secrets in an easy to read and use format. The scientifically proven treatments we compile must work better, safer, and cost less than prescription drugs or injections traditionally prescribed by most doctors.

Please remember, even though this information has been scientifically proven in countless studies on thousands of patients, by law we have to tell you to consult your doctor before using any of these methods.

The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinion and is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professional health care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or in the product sold here. The authors are not engaged in rendering medical or similar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and the information provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please Note: The material on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not medical advice. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.

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