Dear friend,
If you’re over the age of 35 and concerned about your Infertility problems, I want to share some amazing news…
New scientific studies confirm these 10,000 Year old techniques can cure the infertility problems like AMH, LH, FSH, and PCOS; Can Improve IVF Outcomes ; Can enhance fertility 3 times or even more…
Is it not pretty amazing to know that the 30 minutes of your Joyful activity going to change your life forever?
Even more exciting…
IMAGINE a future without “infertility trauma”… the devastating emotional effects that couple suffers…
No more anxiety and stress levels (when going in for fertility treatments)
No more frustration and depression levels (when infertility is persistent)
No more feelings of sadness, anger, guilt, and/or shame that run down all your life (when infertility turns irrevocable)
No more negative impact on your relationship (when physical and emotional relationship with your spouse matters to you)
How you’ll feel the energy of motherhood enters into life as every single cell of your body echoing this joyfulness. While you enhance metabolism, immunity and reproductive health, by restoring your body’s balance.
Most importantly, you can live your life with beautiful KIDS, and HAPPY FAMILY.
…without the negative emotions of inadequacy or defectiveness about your body, watching other women and their babies’ everyday…
When someone is struggling with infertility, negative beliefs about one’s inadequacy or defectiveness may come up. You may question why your body is not functioning like seemingly everyone else’s, especially when those around them are having babies, apparently without any trouble. Women struggling with infertility problems may question their value and their self-worth can take a major hit, resulting in magnified depression and hopelessness.
In fact, you may actually…
…instead of the terrifying opposite many infertility victims experience
It’s amazing but true.
And in this brief report, you’ll discover the ancient secrets for restoring your fertility health from “Fight Your Infertility” Team.
A secret that can help you protect your fertility and possibly even…
You’ll also see proof of how – in just a few days – these ancient secrets can start to help CLEAR ENERGY BLOCKS … and improve your reproductive health.
Make this “Fight Your Infertility Team” part of your life and you won’t believe the difference it makes…
I’ll explain more in just a minute.
But first, allow me to introduce us.
My name is Suzi Ben, one of the founders of fight your infertility and chief content creator for fight your infertility blog. I experientially know the pain of how infertility looks like.
Praveen Ben studied Master of Science in Modern biology. He is health blogger and researching health related issues for over 10 years.
He is one of the founders of fight your infertility and main person behind it…
As we have struggled to have kids in our initial days of married life — we’ve since devoting our career to helping women to fight their infertility and empower them with real techniques that work.
So please… make sure you read to the end of this page to discover 30 minute step by step plan for enhancing your fertility 3 times…restoring the hormonal health of your youth.
One of the biggest reasons women fail get pregnant is not realizing these 3 facts…
Fact #1: Anxiety, worry and fear of a life without children affect female hormones
Because, if you’re over 35, chances are your anxiety, worry and fear of a life without children may affect your female hormones viz estrogen and progesterone which in turn likely to stop the ability to conceive. It has been scientifically proven that infertility may be caused by prolonged anxiety, worry and fear. (1)(2)(3)
Fact #2: All Your problems are traced back to overall cellular degeneration
And you’ve seen your immunity, metabolism and stamina levels slowly waning day by day.
Suddenly (or at least it SEEMS like it came on all of a sudden), you find yourself more and more fatigued by simple things. Things that were darn near effortless in years past. Like mowing the lawn or just walking up a flight of stairs. All these changes in your life are traced back to overall cellular degeneration due to chronic hormonal imbalances caused by weakening nervous system and chronic inflammation. Scientific studies proved that infertility is caused by cellular degeneration and accelerated aging. (4)(5)
Fact #3: Blockage in pelvic center the root cause of infertility
Unfortunately for many women, infertility often develops with BLOCKAGE IN PELVIC CENTER. And the truth is, it will likely continue to get worse and worse over time. According to yogic science pelvic center is blocked when you are intensely hit by the negative emotion of guilt. You may not be conscious of this because this might happen in your formative ages and remain deep inside. Blockage in pelvic center might be the root cause of infertility. (6)(7)
But you don’t have to fail like many other women.
And now, YOU CAN protect your fertility.
Because thanks to ancient yogic science and its simple techniques,
It’s now entirely possible…
But let me put your fears to rest. This isn’t a new kind of surgery or expensive medicine with serious side effects.
And it doesn’t involve any kind of intensive, invasive and expensive IVF treatments with extremely low success rate that will result in disappointment after disappointment and prolonged roller coaster ride.
It’s actually something that is simple to do and enjoyable and you can easily incorporate into your regular routine.
And it’s by far the most effective way I know to fight infertility for good and protect your motherhood and possibly even restore your hormonal balance and protect your life from life threatening chronic diseases.
But there is one thing…
When it comes to restoring your fertility health with this Ancient technique…
There’s No Time To Waste!
Whether you’re already struggling with infertility issues or hormonal problems… or you simply want to protect your fertility and the mother in you for good, it’s VITAL you start today.
So let me share the plan and the 3 techniques with you right now…
It all begins with an amazing self experience we have when we are struggling with health issues and financial problems in our life.
I could go on and on about all these amazing benefits in our new book, The Fertility Yoga Plan. But there are much better things to talk about.
The fertility yoga plan is a 3 step method that CORRECTS the hormonal imbalance and ENHANCE fertility FASTER and EASIER…without any expensive and fruitless treatments.
The 20 minute “Fertility Yoga Poses” increase the blood flow to your reproductive organs. Detoxify your liver and uterus. Give more energy to your uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. All these changes are PROVEN to correct the ovulation and other reproductive problems which is essential to restore your fertility and conceive fast.
And with 5 minute “Fertility Breathing Technique” you can clear the energy blocks in reproductive system. According to yogic science blockage in pelvic area is the root cause of infertility problems. Blockages might have caused due to chronic stress, toxicity in physical body or unhealthy lifestyle or physical trauma. Whatever the reason you should clear these energy blockages before you can restore your fertility health. A regular practice this breathing technique is therefore a must to clear energy blockages and reviving your reproductive organs.
But here’s the MOST amazing part of The Fertility Yoga Plan that could bring miraculous and mystical changes in your life:
Our UNIQUE 5 minute “Fertility Meditation technique” can calm your mind. Increase your energy levels. Every time you practice this meditation you experience pleasantness in your body, peace in your mind, and bliss in your energies. Every time you practice it you intuitively know that your body is healing and you are going to conceive.
We created this unique meditation technique exclusively for women suffering with infertility problems. You therefore don’t find this technique anywhere else in the world. This is a simple 5 minute technique. You can practice this anywhere you like.
From my personal experience I can say that this one technique alone is capable of transforming you from a woman to a mother that you are dreaming and longing. I am sure this technique becomes part of your life because you will experience calm, serenity and new found blissfulness that perhaps you never experienced in your life.
Yes, you heard me right. That’s a…
That means, day after day, you can enhance your fertility health to the level of any other healthy women!
The more you practice this the more you enhance your fertility. The more you become healthy women.
Have you realized this…?
Many women are now using yoga for all the chronic health problems.
Even the mainstream doctors are also recommending yoga as an alternative therapy. So, you can also use yoga to fight your infertility and conceive fast…(12)
Yoga and meditation aren’t alternative anymore. About 14% of adults now practice yoga and meditation, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics..
Most important of all,
Yoga is an ancient science and technology that survived more than 10,000 years.
Any technology doesn’t survive more than 10, 000 years unless it is effective and working for people.
A regular practice of the fertility yoga plan can:
The combined effect of all the above three things help you protect your fertility and help you conceive fast…
It’s time to take the fear out of infertility label with the fertility yoga plan.
Just 30 minute, fun to do yogic practice a day is all it takes. Your fertility health and joyful motherhood is just around the corner.
There’s no describing the relief you’ll feel knowing that all of this proven science is on your side…
So, are you ready to enjoy a “can’t fail fertility yoga plan” right now?
That’s why I’m so pleased to announce this life changing plan now available from our fight your infertility team right here now.
I’m 100% confident that the fertility yoga plan can change your life when it comes to restoring your fertility health and giving you…
But I want YOU to be confident too. That’s why I insist you have ZERO RISK when you try the fertility yoga plan.
It’s simple:
Just practice step by step the fertility yoga plan as shown clearly in the book for 60 days and you will literally FEEL THE DIFFERENCE it can make in your life.
If you don’t FEEL YOUR fertility and hormonal health is not enhancing…
…we’ll refund every single cent of your purchase price… no questions asked.
It’s that simple. So really… you have nothing to lose.
Finally! After all these years and many disappointing promises that didn’t come true, you have “the straight scoop” from two persons who practice yogic life and dedicating their life and energy to protect the women from infertility problems.
And just remember…
The fertility yoga plan works its rejuvenating wonders RIGHT FROM DAY ONE YOU START PRACTICING THE PLAN.
You’ll enjoy the true results as each month goes by, when you make this plan part of your daily life.
And don’t forget… you’re always protected by our ironclad no risk guarantee…
Now, there’s one last thing:
The fertility yoga plan is ONLY available from fight your
Go ahead and order now… and welcome to the world of yogic secrets!
We were advised to sell it for $47. For the amount of work we put in, that price seemed fair. We know that the information in the book can protect your fertility, but we don’t want to profit off others suffering. We did not start to become rich; we simply want to help as many women as possible.
This is why we settled on a bargain basement reduced price of just $27.
But we don’t know how long we can keep the price so low. If our operating costs go up, so will the price of the book.
Since it is the book launch time! You Qualify For The Early-Bird Discount today…
One time cost of $9
As a token of my gratitude for investing in my book, I’m going to give you these priceless gifts.
Your bonus-1:
Fertility Mantra Meditation MP4: (15 minute loop)
Reclaim your fertility power by repeatedly chanting Fertility mantra and generate a stream of powerful positive thoughts and emotions of in your mind; create right chemistry and hormones in your body; unblock the blockages in energy body and restore your fertility…
To Fix 15 Common Fertility Problems and Get Pregnant naturally…CHEAT SHEET OF WHAT TO DO to fix the 15 common fertility problems viz; 1. Difficulty seeing ovulation on your chart 2. Ovulation, but long cycles 3. Anovulation 4. Advanced age (Over 35 Years) 5. Blocked fallopian tubes 6. Uterine fibroids 7. Fibroids Heavy Bleeding and Pain 8. Hypothyroidism 9. Ovarian Cyst Abdominal Pain 10. High Prolactin levels 11. PCOS Irregular Periods 12. Miscarriage 13. Endometriosis 14. Low AMH Levels 15. Hydrosalpinx in Fallopian Tubes
Your bonus-3
How “The Fertility Yoga Plan” Works? The proven science and principles
These three Bonuses are Yours FREE When You Claim Your Copy of “The Fertility Yoga Plan” Today
Listen, this really could be the thing you’re looking for.
I mean, if you really want to end your infertility problem, and fast, our yoga plan is the best solution for you.
But here’s something else to think about…
What If You Don’t Buy It?
By changing nothing, nothing changes – Toni Robbins
You’ve probably already experienced what it’s like to have your ‘condition’ ruin your self esteem as woman.
Do you want that to happen to you?
Without this unique, fun to do, can’t fail yoga plan, the chance of conceiving dwindles day by day.
As time passes, it can lead to other health problems…making it much harder to fix your health. ( that is not my wish but the truth must be told to protect your motherhood..)
Unless you want to end up like that, hit the order button right now.
I’m waiting on the other side, and I’m going to show you how the fertility yoga plan can beat your infertility and protect your fertility for good.
Namaste and wishing you baby dust!
Founders of
Yogic life practitioners, Fertility bloggers and authors of “The 3 Step Fertility Code”
P.S. Modern medicine treat the physical body. The fertility yoga plan treat the energy body. Modern medicine mess with symptoms. The fertility yoga plan mess with the root cause. The chance of protecting your fertility with modern medicine is minimum. The chance of protecting your fertility with the fertility yoga plan is maximum. It is therefore wise to combine both to take full advantage.- Order our unique fertility yoga plan and protect your fertility NOW!
P.P.S. Don’t forget, this is absolutely no risk purchase. You’re covered by our rock solid 60 day guarantee. You are in fact nothing to lose and then what are you waiting for? Realize the truth…by changing nothing, nothing changes… Order our unique fertility yoga plan and reverse all your hormonal problems NOW!
P.P.P.S. We have combined experience of 12 years blogging about infertility problem. So you can trust us. You can try the fertility yoga plan without any doubt or hesitation. Order our unique fertility yoga plan and save the mother in you NOW!
(4) Leaky gut, depressive symptoms and Recurrent pregnancy loss are interlinked.
(5) Poor Gut Health can Leading to Infertility.
(6) Blockage in sacral center might be the root cause of your infertility
(7) Infertility, ovarian cysts, endometriosis are physical sighns of unbalanced Sacral Chakra.
(8) Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress is a major cause of age-related diseases and cancer
(9) Yoga Can Improve Assisted Reproduction Technology Outcomes in Couples With Infertility.
(12) Yoga practice reduce risks associated with chronic inflammation and systemic health problems.
(13) Many women are turning to yoga for a more natural, effective approach to infertility.
NOTE: “THE FERTILITY YOGA PLAN” is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonuses onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.
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