Refund Policy

Refund policy on Fight your Infertility Products

AS promised for all our products we are offering a 30 Day money back guarantee.

Thus, You can ask a refund right From the date of purchase up-to 30 days.

All you need to do is send us a mail to from the email id used for the purchase of the product.

Remember, You need to clearly mention your name and date of purchase inside the mail you sent to us

How many days will it take?

We use third party services, like gumroad for payments and security. Thus we need to contact them to process your refund.

But, I can promise that, You will Get a Refund within 30 Days from the request of refund.

This is what you need to do:

The most important thing you need to do after the request for refund is to simply check your mail Regularly.

This is because we will get in touch with you entirely through mail.

Any doubts mail us at