Is IVF Safe For the Baby and Mother or Not? A True Perspective

Getting pregnant is the dream of every woman. Becoming the father is a proud moment in the life of man. However, for 10 to 15% couples it is not a dream nor proud moment but a nightmare.

Every year in the United States there are approximately 2 million women who experience pregnancy loss through miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy or other disorders.

Women who fed up with prolonged medication or other therapies tend to look for IVF (Check is IVF only Solution)as a last ditch effort. In order to proceed further in this matter, you need to understand what exactly is IVF.

What Is In Vitro Fertilization?

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via nola

In vitro fertilization, as I understand in common parlance is a method of combining woman’s egg and man’s sperm in the lab. After combing the egg and sperm the fertilized egg would be transferred to the mother’s uterus to grow fertilized egg naturally. The process I described above may appear to be very simple but in actuality, it is not simple at all. To get some more clarity you need to read the following description. This is excerpts from about .com

In Vitro Fertilization or IVF, is a highly sophisticated technique used to assist infertile couples in achieving pregnancy.

In a typical IVF procedure, a woman is first treated with fertility drugs to stimulate the production of numerous mature eggs. Once these eggs have matured, a needle is inserted into the vagina to remove the eggs. The eggs are then placed in a specially prepared laboratory dish.

After a process called sperm washing, sperm is mixed with the retrieved eggs. This can be achieved by using another needle to inject the sperm into the nucleus of an egg. Or the sperm can be placed with the eggs in the special laboratory dish.

A sign that fertilization has occurred is when the eggs begin to cleave, or divide, into multiple cells. Embryos need to be placed in the uterus approximately 72 hours after fertilization.

3D Animation Of How IVF works:

Perhaps you already understood what is the procedures involved in IVF. Based on this understanding it is obvious that any such medical intervention is nor free from risk. in their article narrated the risks involved in the IVF procedure. Read the original article here

In-Vitro-Fertilization (IVF) Advantages and Disadvantages:

in vitro fertilization advantages and disadvantages, in vitro fertilization, in vitro fertilization technique, in vitro fertilization procedure, in vitro fertilization process

 via redorbit

In-Vitro-Fertilization (IVF) is a medical treatment which helps infertile couples to have a baby.

It involves extraction of an egg from a female partner (or donor) and in lab fertilization of the egg with sperm from male partner (or donor) and the resulting embryo is implanted in the female partner (or surrogate) womb.

The Advantages of IVF are:

  • It helps infertile couple to have a baby of their own (with their own eggs and sperm)
  • Unless donor egg or donor sperm is used, the DNA will be that of intended parents only

The Disadvantages of IVF are:

1. IVF can result in undesired multiple births i.e delivery of more than 1 baby. This is more likely in IVF treatment than naturally because clinics and doctors tend to transfer more than 1 embryo in the womb so that the chances of successful delivery is higher

2. IVF can result in Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome. In IVF, ovaries of the intended mother (or egg donor) are stimulated to produce more than 1 high quality eggs. The hormones and drugs used to stimulate ovaries can have side effects leading to condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

3. Ectopic pregnancy: IVF can lead to Ectopic pregnancy in which the pregnancy occurs outside the uterus

4. IVF success rates are much lower than 100%. IVF success rate depends on various factors like the age of the female, quality of eggs, quality of sperms, quality of uterus etc. The success rate decrease with the age of female partner. The average success rate is 25 to 30%

5. Painful: The drugs and hormones used during the IVF procedure can be painful

6. Costly: IVF treatment can be a costly affair. Since success rate is low, couples are usually required to go through multiple cycles (or multiple attempts) adding to the cost of the treatment. Click Here To Read More!

What are the risks associated with in vitro fertilization?

As with most medical procedures, there are potential risks. The risks of in vitro fertilization correspond with each specific step of the procedure.

Ovary stimulation carries the risk of hyperstimulation, where the ovaries become swollen and painful. This condition, “Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome“, is usually rare, mild, and involves the following potential side effects: nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, or a feeling of being bloated. More severe symptoms that occur in 1% of cases include the following:

  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Severe nausea or vomiting
  • Decreased urinary frequency
  • Dark-colored urine
  • Shortness of breath
  • Ten-pound weight gain within three to five days

Egg retrieval and the use of laparoscopy carry the typical risks associated with receiving anesthesia. Additionally, there is a slight risk of bleeding, infection, and damage to the bowel, bladder, or blood vessel. Less than one patient in 1,000 will require surgery to repair damage caused during the egg retrieval process.

The chance of a multiples pregnancy is increased in all assisted reproductive procedures. There are additional risks and concerns related to multiples during pregnancy including the increased risk of premature delivery.

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 via supportkids

Now we need to find the answer to the bigger question whether IVF is completely safe?

There is no straight answer to this question. Any medical or surgical intervention always involves some sort of risk. The IVF has also the following 4 risk factors.

  • IVF increases the risks of pre-eclampsia and neonatal deaths
  • With IVF iatrogenic risk of multiple births also increases.
  • We can’t rule out birth defects
  • We don’t have enough evidence to show that the children born after IVF are free from health risks later in life

Going by the above discussion it clear that IVF is not fully risk-free. It is not the question of risk factor alone. There are many other factors you need to consider its success rate and cost involved.

in vitro fertilization infographic, ivf risk, ivf cost, in vitro fertilization cost, in vitro fertilization risk, in vitro fertilization

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How successful is in vitro fertilization?

Excerpts from

The success rate of IVF clinics depends on a number of factors including patient characteristics and treatment approaches. It is also important to understand that pregnancy rates are not the same as live birth rates. In the United States, the live birth rate for each IVF cycle started is approximately:

  • 30 to 35% for women under age 35
  • 25% for women ages 35 to 37
  • 15 to 20% for women ages 38 to 40
  • 6 to 10% for women ages over 40

Cost of Successful IVF Treatment Runs More Than $24,000

Excerpts from

Couples who turn to fertility clinics for help getting pregnant might expect to pay more than $24,000 out-of-pocket for in vitro fertilization (IVF), California researchers find.

Yet success rates hover around only 50 percent, according to data from eight clinics in northern California.

“I can’t say I was surprised, but I was taken aback by the numbers,” study researcher Patricia Katz, of the University of California, San Francisco, told Reuters Health. “They’re high.”

As seen from the above there is no guarantee of success in IVF also involves expensive treatment. In spite of all these factors, 4 million children were said to be born following IVF procedure. However, IVF should form last effort in your fight against infertility.

It is always better to try natural methods to get pregnancy. You have to understand that infertility is simply a consequence of unprepared body.Conversely, your body is not yet conducive for conception to take place and to carry the pregnancy till the childbirth. First, you have to understand the why your body is not yet ready and what are the conditions that are preventing your body from getting the pregnancy.


Are you scared that you’re never going to be a mom?

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