Shrink Your Uterine Fibroids by Eliminating the Foods and Toxins That Feed Them

If fibroids grow beyond 15 cm, their belly looks like they are pregnant. They bleed heavily with a lot of blood clots and they feel pressure in their hips and back along with pelvic pain. Fibroids drugs complicate the problem. Common drugs that are prescribed to treat fibroids such as oral contraceptives and anti-inflammatory drugs fail to … Read more

How to Get Pregnant Quickly Even If You Have PCOS or Cysts

How to get pregnant with PCOS naturally

  • Warning signs of PCOS and how it affects your relationship and sex life

PCOS Victims suffer the symptoms of obesity, embarrassing body and facial hair, and cystic acne.They try to lose weight but they can’t lose much.They feel like a boy as all the doctors keep on telling them that they have high levels of testosterone. These conditions seriously affect their self-esteem, relationship and sex life.

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How to Get Pregnant Quickly Even If You have Tubal Obstruction

  • Natural or IVF?

You are trying to conceive without any success. Your RE has done ultrasound and HSG. The test result shows that your fallopian tubes are blocked. RE, recommends laparoscopic surgery to remove or clean the tubes. They removed one fallopian tube because of fluid blockage and cleaned out the other tube. Now, you’re wondering whether you can conceive naturally or you have to go for IVF…

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5 Reasons African-American Women Are More Likely to Get Fibroids

Why do black women get fibroids? African American women are 2 to 3 times more likely to have uterine fibroids than Caucasian women. Not only that. The incidence of occurrence and the pace of growth of fibroids is more prevalent in black woman than other racial groups. Fibroids are the number 1 reason for hysterectomy … Read more