Peace Out, Uterine Fibroids! – All Natural

Fibroids are tumors in the uterus…

They grow in the uterus cavity or on the wall of the uterus itself.

Women whose diet is predominantly red meat and having the habit of drinking alcohol are prone to the risk of fibroids.

Fibroids Risks

Fibroids cause painful periods, painful periods due to fibroids, fibroids pain during periods, fibroids cause heavy periods, do fibroids cause painful periods, fibroids cause irregular periods

via jezebel


Fibroids cause you mild to severe painful periods…

That’s not all…

It may lead to serious complications also.

Fibroids could cause infertility…

Fibroids could block your fallopian tubes (Check Open Fallopian Tubes Naturally)…

In rare cases, fibroids can also lead to cancer….

Fibroids Sufferings

You often experience bloating and discomfort in the abdominal area…

Somehow you can manage this …

However, if you experience heavy bleeding and excruciating pain you can’t manage …

The anxiety and frustration you undergo can’t be explained with words…

Also, it would be embarrassing if you gain weight and suffering from regular hair loss…

Fibroids can be Shrunken Completely

You often manage the pain and discomfort of heavy bleeding with the painkillers…

No doubt you get relief with painkillers…

But the fact is that you are simply addressing the symptoms rather than the root problem…

In a way, knowingly or unknowingly you are perpetuating the disease and suffering with the problem years together…

But if you can realize this fact and try to focus on the root problem, you will find a solution to this debilitating chronic disease…

Here is the good news…

The Real Cause of Fibroids

You’re getting fibroids because of too much estrogen in your body…

Estrogen is the food for your fibroids…


If you add or create more estrogen in your body than what is required, fibroids will keep growing…


If you can normalize estrogen in your body, fibroids will shrink naturally

Apparently, “Fibroids” is one problem only…

Studies show that too much of estrogen in your body may also cause ovarian cysts, breast cancer and other dangerous diseases…

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via ivfplano


How is excess estrogen harming your body?

If more estrogen is in your body, your liver is overburdened…

And as a consequence, your immunity system also will be weakened…

Then you are prone to diseases like allergies, sinus problems so on and so forth…

Take a look at what studies reveal about the problem of excess estrogen…

Environmental and public health advocates, scientists, and the public have been increasingly concerned about the presence of manmade chemicals that act like estrogen in waterways and drinking water [1]….

Reproductive tract abnormalities in fish and rising infertility rates among both women and men have been linked to the presence of this class of chemicals in the environment [1]….

“Decline in progesterone levels is a result of an age-related shift in hormone production, but can be exacerbated by weight gain and stress,” says C.W. Randolph, Jr., M.D., board-certified gynecologist and medical director of the Natural Hormone Institute [2]….

“Estrogen dominance begins for most women in their early to mid 30’s continuing until the menopausal years. An untreated condition of estrogen dominance leads to a significantly increased risk of breast cancer.” [2]….

Then what is the Solution?

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Your gynecologist will recommend you myomectomy…

Myomectomy is a surgical process of removing the fibroids…

The surgical procedure is not only expensive but also affects your body and mind…

Let us face it…

Even after removal of fibroids, you will not be completely cured of fibroids…

It means fibroids will grow back and that would be devastating for you…

Surgery doesn’t cure the disease…

You continue to be prone to all the risks and complications linked to fibroids…

Then why are you undergoing surgery repeatedly when it is not solving your problem entirety?

Pay very close attention here…

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via butternutrition

To shrink your fibroids you have to take steps to minimize estrogen levels in your body and maximize its elimination…

This is possible only through strengthening your liver…

You can do so by simply detoxifying your liver…

Detoxification of the liver requires a complete change in your dietary habits…

Here is a simple way out…

Vitamin A is known to help to strengthen your liver and thereby reducing your heavy periods

According to a case study written about in the book Eat Fat, Lose Fat, 2 TBL of high vitamin cod liver oil per day supplying about 60,000 IU of Vitamin A for 3 days in a row eliminated this debilitating problem for one woman who had been suffering from what she called a “never ending period” for 4 years!

What’s more, a simple daily maintenance dose of 1 TBL of high vitamin cod liver oil (30,000 IU of Vitamin A) was sufficient to keep the problem of heavy periods at bay indefinitely [3]…

Herbs and Supplements To Shrink Fibroids Naturally:

It’s worth to try to use certain herbs and supplements that reduce estrogen levels and potentially impede the growth of fibroids.

Try the following natural remedies:

  • Grapeseed extract is said to reduce estrogen levels in the body.
  • Chasteberry tincture is said to help reduce the size of fibroids by reducing estrogen.
  • Motherwort is said to help shrink fibroids. Try it as a tincture.
  • Drink red raspberry or black cohosh tea to shrink fibroids.
  • Omega-3 supplements are said to reduce estrogen levels.

Click Here To Read More!

What Are Fibroid Shrinking Foods?

These are foods which are part of an anti-estrogen eating plan. The idea is to include exclude foods from your diet which are likely to encourage estrogen production and in doing so, hopefully, reduce the size of fibroids, prevent further growths and reduce symptoms of fibroids. Always aim for organic produce where possible to avoid chemicals and toxins, in particular, environmental estrogens (xenoestrogens) which are sprayed on food plants. The following are a list of products which are recommended for women with fibroids:

foods that shrink fibroids naturally, fibroid diet foods to shrink fibroids naturally, food to eat for fibroid shrinking, natural food that can shrink fibroid, fibroid shrinking diet, uterine fibroid shrinking diet

  • Vegetables and fruits like broccoli, cabbage, bok choy, kale, turnip, watercress, radish and rocket (arugula). These are cruciferous vegetables which can help the liver detox and rid of the body of excess estrogens. Avoid overcooking vegetables.
  • Foods which can detoxify the blood are garlic, carrots, beets and artichokes. Drink plenty of water to help with detoxification. This also helps if you suffer from breast fibroids. For more, read what are breast fibroids?
  • Eat foods containing natural carotenes such as apricots, sweet potato, cantaloupe, carrots, pumpkin and spinach.
  • Include foods rich in vitamin E in your diet including almonds, wheat germ, hazelnuts and cod liver oil.
  • Green tea, which contains the useful antioxidant polyphenol, can counteract the effects of estrogen.
  • Season your food with fresh rosemary and snack on pineapple. Both are a natural anti-inflammatory.

Click Here To Read More!

A Complete Solution to Fibroids Problem

A complete cure to the fibroids problem requires a multi-pronged strategy that doesn’t involve any costly medicines or complicated surgical procedures…

It is only a five step natural process without any side effects…

1. Shift from packaged and preserved foods to organic natural foods…

2. Enhance your immunity system through proper supplements

3. Cleanse your body in general and liver in particular…

4. Get rid of environmental toxins from your body

5. Resolve all your psychological and emotional issues…

If you want to get rid of fibroids and get back your natural health you have to necessarily undergo the five-step process revealed above…

Is heavy bleeding and severe pain killing you?

When fibroids grow beyond 15 cm, belly looks like pregnant. They bleed heavily with massive blood clots. This may endanger the fertility irreversibly…


Pills work short term but the problem gets worse. Those who undergo surgery often develop fibroids again… So it is the time for C.H.A.N.G.E… So you won’t MISS the chance of becoming MOM.

Realize this truth…

There is a better way to deal with fibroids…

And finally this is my promise…

My latest book “The 3 Step fertility code” is a “natural hormone balance plan” to help you reset your hormonal imbalances.

Our “The 3 Step fertility code” is simplified and systematized. It is based on modern mind science and ancient Yogic science… If this weapon is in your hands, you can get rid of ALL your hormonal imbalances and fertility problems. Why because you’re reviving your own body pharmacy.

“The 3 Step fertility code” is for women who believe “It won’t be easy, but I’ll conceive somehow”. It’s therefore perfect for you if:

  • You’ve been trying for months or years with no luck.
  • You’re skeptical about natural methods but you want to try it.
  • You’re already in the process of IVF or IUI and you want to enhance its success rate.
  • You want to avoid fertility treatments such as IVF or IUI and want to try naturally.
  • You have hormonal problems like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids or irregular cycles.
  • You have fertility issues like blocked tubes, high prolactin levels and low AMH levels.

Click here to learn more and discover how you can conceive in 3 months with 3 step fertility code!

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