The # One Fibroid Myth You Keep Falling For

You are often suffering from intense bleeding and stabbing pain…

You go to the doctor and you are diagnosed with uterine fibroids…

You ask the doctor “Why the fibroids affected me?” “What causes fibroids?

Your doctor says “the cause of fibroids is not known…. It can only be managed…. It can’t be cured…

So many women start believing these opinions…

Quite simply!

They start using medicine to manage the symptoms….

Yes, it is true!

You can manage the pain and over bleeding by using conventional treatments…

But did you know?

The price you pay for neglecting the root cause and treating only the symptoms….

Have a glance of terrifying statistics:

  • Uterine fibroids occur in 20-40% of all women during reproductive years.
  • By age 50, 70% of whites and 80% of African Americans had fibroids.
  • Fibroids are the number 1 reason for hysterectomy in the US.
  • Fibroids result in 200,000 hysterectomies in the US.
  • Annual direct health care costs for uterine fibroids exceed $2.1 billion.

What causes uterine fibroids?

.Before you know what really causes fibroids, see the following facts:

  • Fibroids are rare before puberty, enlarge during pregnancy and stop growing at menopause…
  • Fibroids shrink with the use of medications that decrease estrogen levels.
  • (you can go Natural way)

If you carefully see the above facts,  you can realize that there is a direct link between uterine fibroids and estrogen…

Once you acknowledge the link between fibroids and estrogen it becomes easy for you what is causing your fibroids…

Let me give some proof and evidence so that you stop believing that there is no cure for fibroids….

What Causes Fibroids: Proof & Evidence

What Causes Fibroids, what causes fibroids to grow, what causes fibroids and cysts, what causes fibroids on your uterus, emotional causes of uterine fibroids

Estrogens promote fibroids growth:

.“Estrogens, especially estradiol, promote their growth. After menopause fibroids disappear. But because estrogen levels can rise during the early menopausal years, previously asymptomatic fibroids may grow in the years just before the cessation of menses, resulting in symptoms such as feeling of heaviness in the belly, low back pain, pain with vaginal penetration, urinary frequency or incontinence, bowel difficulties, or severe menstrual pain and flooding.”

Fibroids are estrogen dependent tumours:

.“It is clear that fibroids are linked to female sex hormones, the estrogens and gestagens, as these hormones are not active in childhood. During the menopause hormone production is reduced, fibroids present stop growing and new fibroids do not appear. Therefore, fibroids are hormone dependent tumours.”

Fibroids grow due to estrogen:

.“Fibroids have been shown to contain more receptors for estrogen and progesterone (the hormones involved in preparing the uterine lining for pregnancy at each menstrual cycle) than normal uterine muscle cells, making them more likely to grow.”

Estrogen-like hormones increase the fibroid’s size:

.“Man-made chemicals can introduce estrogen-like hormones into the body thereby increasing the fibroid’s size.”

“The chemical industry must also take credit for upsetting the delicate balance of female hormones as pesticides and other poisons that enter the food chain or are otherwise ingested, lodge, particularly in fatty tissues, where they mimic estrogen.”

Fibroids flourish with estrogen:

.“Estrogen, a steroid hormone produced by the ovaries,  causes uterine fibroids to flourish in the body.”

Estrogen promoting the growth of fibroids:

.“Estrogen and progesterone, two hormones that stimulate development of the uterine lining during each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy, appear to promote the growth of fibroids. Fibroids contain more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine muscle cells do. Fibroids tend to shrink after menopause due to a decrease in hormone production.”

Xenoestrogens compound fibroids growth:

.“In addition to an excess of estrogen production within the body, a strong case can be made that the role of the most significant environmental factor assaulting female hormonal health – compounds known as xenoestrogens.”

Stress is responsible for fibroids:

stress causes fibroids

“My personal impression as a physician who has worked with women patients for close to 20 years is that stress is a significant component of many recurrent and chronic health problems, including fibroids and endometriosis”.

Dr. Susan M. Lark is one of the foremost authorities on women’s health issues and is the author of nine books. She has served on the faculty of Stanford University Medical School..

There is a connection between chronic stress and uterine fibroids:

.“This is the second prospective study to show an association between childhood abuse and uterine fibroids diagnosed during adulthood,”

Association between uterine fibroids and stress:

.“In summary, vegetable and fruit intakes and occupational intensity had positive effects on uterine fibroids, and a high BMI increased the risk of fibroids in premenopausal women.” Case Study

The bottom line is!

.Going by the above facts and evidence, you can draw the following conclusion;

Estrogen dominance in your body coupled with stressful lifestyle causing your fibroids….


You can cure uterine fibroids by reducing estrogen dominance and managing your stressful lifestyle…

How to reduce estrogen dominance?

.First identify the foods that contain or promote excess estrogen…

Stop these Foods:

In general, all non-organic processed foods, dairy products, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, sugar and coffee directly or indirectly causing your estrogen levels to increase…

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Therefore, you stop the above foods and replace with organic and hormone free food.

Stop these Products:

Also, it was found that your personal care products, cosmetics, plastics and all forms of pesticides contain environmental estrogens…

what causes fibroids

So, whenever possible try to use organic and chemical free products…

Detox your body:

How to reduce stress?

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I’m sure you personally know the impact of stress on your health…

Whenever we are under stress we feel muscle tension, back and shoulder pain, pain in the neck area…

Also, we experience increased blood pressure and fatigue…

All these are common experiences and for which no proof is required…

It is a fact that women are under severe stress due to the factors like relationship issues, finances and career problems…

You can manage your stress with simple yoga techniques…


You know what is causing your fibroids…

You know how to normalize estrogen levels and manage your stress…

So stop believing the opinions of “the cause of fibroids not known” “there is no cure for fibroids…

And more so, believe in your body ability to recover from fibroids

fibroid quotes, Major Myth Uterine Fibroids

Is heavy bleeding and severe pain killing you?

When fibroids grow beyond 15 cm, belly looks like pregnant. They bleed heavily with massive blood clots. This may endanger the fertility irreversibly…


Pills work short term but the problem gets worse. Those who undergo surgery often develop fibroids again… So it is the time for C.H.A.N.G.E… So you won’t MISS the chance of becoming MOM.

Realize this truth…

There is a better way to deal with fibroids…

And finally this is my promise…

My latest book “The 3 Step fertility code” is a “natural hormone balance plan” to help you reset your hormonal imbalances.

Our “The 3 Step fertility code” is simplified and systematized. It is based on modern mind science and ancient Yogic science… If this weapon is in your hands, you can get rid of ALL your hormonal imbalances and fertility problems. Why because you’re reviving your own body pharmacy.

“The 3 Step fertility code” is for women who believe “It won’t be easy, but I’ll conceive somehow”. It’s therefore perfect for you if:

  • You’ve been trying for months or years with no luck.
  • You’re skeptical about natural methods but you want to try it.
  • You’re already in the process of IVF or IUI and you want to enhance its success rate.
  • You want to avoid fertility treatments such as IVF or IUI and want to try naturally.
  • You have hormonal problems like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids or irregular cycles.
  • You have fertility issues like blocked tubes, high prolactin levels and low AMH levels.

Click here to learn more and discover how you can conceive in 3 months with 3 step fertility code!

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