Hydrosalpinx in Fallopian Tubes and Seven Treatment Options

I know what you’re thinking…

“When my doctor is telling only ONE option how can this woman teach me SEVEN treatment options for my hydrosalpinx issue?”

Well, if you have already come to the conclusion that you are left with only ONE option to treat your hydrosalpinx, then there’s probably not much I can tell you.

But if you’re still hoping to get pregnancy naturally, you pay attention to every word of this blog post…( including the SECRET to get pregnant FAST with hydrosalpinx)

Have your HSG done?

Is hydrosalpinx in your fallopian tubes causing pain?

Is your Doctor considering the removal of your fallopian tubes as the fluid in fallopian tubes can affect the embryo and may cause miscarriage?

I can feel your pain!

It is extremely difficult to handle the problem of infertility and it is even more tormenting to undergo terrifying treatments.

Treatment for fertility problems…

Your present treatment likely to go in this direction (if you don’t address the root cause of hydrosalpinx)…

Clomid cycles failure >  Femara failure > surgery failure>  IUI failure >  IVF failure (without eliminating the root cause the success rate is very low because of underlying disease)

Download Free Report “How Not To Remain Infertile. Discover The Right Way To Reverse Infertility And Conceive Without Struggling For Years And Trying Hard…

That is why

Your current treatment is not predictable and not consistent.

Why is modern medicine unpredictable and inconsistent?

If you want me to answer this question I have to tell a lot of things but that is simply not possible here. And however, I want to tell you the exact reason without going into details. Modern medicine only focuses on managing the symptoms because it can’t figure out the root cause nor eliminate it completely. That is why we are suffering from chronic diseases like BP, diabetes, arthritis, heart problems, depression till our death………This may sound shocking to you, but this is a hard reality.

Want to know the secret to get pregnant fast?

Rely on modern medicine for treating the symptoms. Rely on natural therapy for restoring your overall health including your reproductive health. This is a wise strategy for getting pregnancy fast. In this strategy, you’re focusing on restoring health.  Once your reproductive health is restored, the chances of getting pregnancy increase manifold. The reason is getting pregnancy is a natural outcome in a healthy body.

The 3 Step Fertility Method: Restore Hormone Balance and Get Pregnancy in A Few Months (Less Than 1% of Women Knew This Method)

Anyway, Let me get to the point…

What are the treatment options for Hydrosalpinx?

In this article, I am discussing all the aspects of Hydrosalpinx, including seven treatment options, so as to enable you to take the right decision in your battle against infertility. (includes both present treatment and alternative therapies)
But first let us discuss some important facts…

Hydrosalpinx Meaning

Hydrosalpinx Meaning

Hydrosalpinx is a condition in which fallopian tube dilates with the fluid. The word hydrosalpinx comes from two Greek words. “Hydro” means water and “Salpinx” means tube. So the meaning of hydrosalpinx is fluid in fallopian tubes.

Hydrosalpinx is, therefore, a condition in which your fallopian tubes are blocked and also dilated due to the liquid formed by infection and inflammation.

Here is the description in Wikipedia about hydrosalpinx:

A hydrosalpinx is a distally blocked fallopian tube filled with serious or clear fluid. The blocked tube may become substantially distended giving the tube a characteristic sausage-like or retort-like shape. The condition is often bilateral and the affected tubes may reach several centimeters in diameter. The blocked tubes cause infertility. – https://en.wikipedia.org

Why your fallopian tubes become dilated with fluid?

The only way for a fallopian tube to become dilated with fluid is if it is blocked at the end of the tube away from the uterus. Referred to as “distal tubal occlusion”. The fluid secreted by cells inside the tube can’t get out – so it builds up and dilates the tube. – www.advancedfertility.com

The symptoms of hydrosalpinx

Lower body pain

Certain patients suffer from painful symptoms in the lower part of their bodies, such as the lower abdomen or pelvis.

Hydrosalpinx pain may be recurrent in nature. However, other patients may be asymptomatic. This means they may not suffer from any symptoms at all. – www.hxbenefit.com

What is the best pain reliever for hydrosalpinx?

Although most of the time the pain disappears with the period, the pain can also get severe with the aggravation of hydrosalpinx.

In the opinion of Dr. Lee who is the chief Doctor of Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM Clinic, the best relief of hydrosalpinx pain is the one that can eliminate the hydrosalpinx.

According to Dr. Lee, Fuyan pill is the best reliever of hydrosalpinx and its pain. See Some Practical Thoughts on Tubal Blockage

Compare to Western treatment such as antibiotics or surgeries, Fuyan pill brings no damages on the body or organs like livers or kidney. Fuyan pill that has all of its herbs from plants is a safe but pure herbal medicine. It is as safe as food. – www.99eyao.com

Does hydrosalpinx bursts and if so what happens?

If the tube does rupture, it can result in fatality

Cases of tubal rupture due to hydrosalpinx are rare but do occur. They are rare as doctors strictly supervise the patients once they are diagnosed.

Now coming to your query. If the tube does rupture, it can result in fatality also if not reported and managed immediately.

Symptoms like pain abdomen, bleeding from the vagina, dizziness, abdominal cramping, pain on one side, symptoms of shock, drop in blood pressure, shoulder pain, feeling of constipation, nausea, etc.

This would be considered a serious complication and can even result in death. – www.healthcaremagic.com

The cause of Hydrosalpinx

So your fallopian tubes are infected… bacteria and pus in your fallopian tubes.

There may be more than one cause of hydrosalpinx, but the most frequent cause is a previous pelvic infection, the most common of these being chlamydia and gonorrhea. Prior to pelvic surgeries, adhesions, endometriosis, and certain tumors may also cause hydrosalpinx. – www.scrcivf.com

Apparently, all the above factors may cause hydrosalpinx. But actually, the problem is much more than that. You, therefore, first understand the root cause of the problem so that you can completely get rid of it.

The actual problem is that your fallopian tubes are getting inflammation. Simply, it is your body’s response to the bacteria and pus in your fallopian tubes.

So your fallopian tubes are infected. What could be the reason? Maybe the foods you are eating not correct. Maybe your lifestyle is generating this condition.

Seriously, Don’t Ignore This: The 2 Most Important Nutritional Foundations That Decide Your Chance of Getting Pregnancy

So if you can find out the exact cause of your hydrosalpinx, you can fix it the right way. Otherwise, you have to suffer the terrible consequences including infertility.

Hydrosalpinx diagnosis

In general, an ultrasound is performed to diagnose hydrosalpinx. Here is an image of Ultrasound with hydrosalpinx.

Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

The complications of hydrosalpinx

secondary infection in the tubes can cause an emergency trip to the hospital

If hydrosalpinx is left untreated, it can cause many risks. Not only will you have to endure the pain when you run, but you can increase your risk of developing a serious life-threatening infection. Once the fallopian tubes are swollen beyond repair, a secondary infection in the tubes can cause an emergency trip to the hospital and crisis intervention. At the same time, the tests run to detect the condition can lead to complications if the dye used to highlight the tubes in X-rays leaves behind bacteria.

In addition, laparoscopic surgeries also can lead to secondary infections or adverse reactions that could keep you off your feet for a while. The most common side effects from fallopian tube removal are mild cramping and bleeding that could last from two to seven days. – global.fuyanpills.com

Hydrosalpinx and the risk of cancer

Carcinoma of the fallopian tube is a rare malignancy. It is the least common site of origin for a malignant neoplasm of the female genital tract, accounting for 0.2 to 0.5 percent of primary female genital malignancies. The annual incidence in the United States is 3.6 per million women. Secondary carcinoma due to metastatic disease from the ovaries, endometrium, gastrointestinal tract, or breast is more common. – www.aboutcancer.com

Seven Hydrosalpinx Treatment Options

Hydrosalpinx 7 treatment options

assess the severity of your problem and then choose one or a combination of treatments.

Now we come to the critical segment of this article. Here I am giving you various options to treat your hydrosalpinx. Don’t be overwhelmed. First, assess the severity of your problem and then choose one or a combination of treatments.

Here I want to caution you and suggest you not to jump to the removal of fallopian tubes as it left you with the only option of getting pregnant through IVF.

First, you acknowledge that Hydrosalpinx is an infection. Any infection can be cured if you can identify the root cause of the infection. So only after figuring out the actual cause weigh your options.

1. Hydrosalpinx Treatment with Antibiotics

When hydrosalpinx is not severe, your Gyn will treat it with antibiotics. But hydrosalpinx is unlikely to respond to antibiotics. Because, by the time you are diagnosed with it, fallopian tubes might already be damaged. So early diagnosis is the key.

2. Hydrosalpinx Treatment with Laparoscopic Salpingectomy

Laparoscopic salpingostomy is performed to create a new opening close to the ovary. Remember that this procedure also doesn’t solve your problem permanently because the scar tissue may grow back and block your fallopian tubes again.

Hydrosalpinx Treatment with Laparoscopic Salpingectomy, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

Watch the following video and see how this procedure is done.

3. Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery

The Wurn Technique is a unique hands-on physio/physical therapy developed by clear passage group and it is useful in treating adhesion-related conditions.

Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

Watch the following video and see how clear passage therapy helps to clear fallopian tubes naturally.

4. Hydrosalpinx Treatment with Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is adapted from Indian yogic practices for the purpose of curing chronic diseases. Yogic therapy includes the practices of specific postures, relaxation techniques and breathing exercises.

Yogic practices are becoming popular all over the globe and medical practitioners are also recommending yoga as an alternative therapy.

Yoga therapy combined with organic natural foods can reduce the inflammation in your tubes and clear the blockage of your fallopian tubes caused by hydrosalpinx. The reason being natural foods have a tendency of cleansing your bacterial and toxin buildup. Yoga therapy increases oxygenation and blood circulation to your affected parts and therefore healing of infection in fallopian tubes happen naturally.

Supta Baddha Konasana or Reclined Bound Angle Pose:


1. Come to lie on your back.

Supta Baddha Konasana Pose, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

2. Bend your knees, keeping the soles of your feet on the floor.

Supta Baddha Konasana Pose, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

3. Open your knees out to either side, bringing the soles of your feet together. The legs will be in the same position as they are in cobbler’s Pose – baddha konasana.

Supta Baddha Konasana Pose, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

4. Your arms can be in any comfortable position. Out in a T shape as shown here over the head, relaxed by your sides or resting on your thighs are some options.

Supta Baddha Konasana Pose, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

5. Stay here several minutes as gravity works to deepen your stretch. To come out, reach down and help your knees come back together. Then roll over to one side and use your hands to support you as you sit up. – www.verywell.com

Supta Baddha Konasana Pose, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

Watch the following video and learn how you can follow it.

Sahaja Anuloma Viloma Pranayama:

Steps to do this pose

Sit on a mat on the floor. Cross your legs into the padmasana pose. If you cannot fold your knees completely, bend them as much as you can. Those who have arthritis can sit on a wooden chair with a straight back.

Sahaja Anuloma Viloma Pranayama, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

Now place one hand with the palms facing the ceiling.

Sahaja Anuloma Viloma Pranayama, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

Place the thumb of your other hand on one nostril and fold the index finger. Keep the ring finger extended so that it can be used to close the other nostril. Do not lift your elbow too high, your hand will get fatigued after a while. Leave it loose and by your Anulom Vilom side.

Sahaja Anuloma Viloma Pranayama, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

Now inhale deeply through one nostril while keeping the other one closed with your finger. Now, open the other nostril and close the one you breathed in with and exhale. This is one cycle.

Sahaja Anuloma Viloma Pranayama, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain

To start the next cycle, breathe in through the same nostril that you exhaled out of and repeat the process. Practice this asana for about three minutes initially gradually increasing the amount of time to 15 to 20 minutes.Sahaja Anuloma Viloma Pranayama, Hydrosalpinx Treatment Without Surgery, Hydrosalpinx diagnosis, cure hydrosalpinx, hydrosalpinx pain


Remember not to slouch or raise your shoulders while breathing in. Also, breathe in deeply using your lungs and try not to allow the air to fill in your stomach. – www.thehealthsite.com

3 Yogic Techniques That Change Your Life: Got 30 Minutes A Day? That’s All You Need to Get Pregnancy. (New Scientific Studies Confirm)

5. Hydrosalpinx Treatment with Homeopathy

Homeopathic medications are very effective in treating men and in the reproductive problems of women because they stimulate the healing ability of the organism, instead of inhibiting or suppressing its effort to get well. It should be noted that homeopathy treatment, is free of any side effects. Future parents can find their health and balance through Homeopathy even before conception. Women who opt for Homoeopathy before their pregnancy are more likely to have a healthy and normal pregnancy. – homeopathymedicine.gr

6. Hydrosalpinx Treatment with Ayurveda

The traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.

Click the link to see Ayurvedic Doctors advice for treating hydrosalpinx disease.

7. Hydrosalpinx Treatment with Simple Exercises

Stretching exercise to clear hydrosalpinx:

A simple stretching exercise can also help you clear blocked fallopian tubes and also give you relief from pelvic pain and pressure. – “How to Clear Blocked Fallopian Tubes with Simple Stretching Exercises

Energy exercise to clear hydrosalpinx

You can also practice energy exercises to open blocked fallopian tubes naturally. Energy exercises rejuvenate and heal your body including your fallopian tubes. – “Energy Exercises To Open Blocked Fallopian Tubes Naturally

So practice these simple exercises regularly and help your body to clear the blockage in your fallopian tubes.

Hydrosalpinx is more than a fertility problem

Surgically removing fallopian tubes, therefore, doesn’t solve the root cause.

Hydrosalpinx is caused by an infection in the fallopian tubes. Tissues in the fallopian tubes produce a fluid that causes pain in your pelvic area and blocks your fallopian tubes. So hydrosalpinx is more than a fertility problem. Surgically removing fallopian tubes, therefore, doesn’t solve the root cause. At most, you may have a chance of getting pregnant with IVF. But there is no guarantee. So the majority of patients will suffer the consequences of chronic inflammatory diseases.

What is the best treatment option for hydrosalpinx

The first option should be treating hydrosalpinx with natural methods combining one or more of the treatment options
  • Why must you address the root cause?

It is wise enough to address the root cause of the problem. It not only helps you get pregnant but also prevents life-threatening diseases.

  • How to find out the best treatment option 

Now you know seven hydrosalpinx treatment options. Don’t get confused by multiple treatment options. Depending on the severity of your problem you can follow one of these two options.

  • The first option of hydrosalpinx treatment

The first option should be treating hydrosalpinx with natural methods combining one or more of the treatment options discussed above.

  • The second option of hydrosalpinx treatment

The second option will be going for surgery and IVF. Even if you go for IVF, following lifestyle changes and alternative therapies is a must to improve chances of success with IVF and to restore complete health.

Nothing wrong with your body…

Don’t get overwhelmed by various treatment options we have discussed so far. The fact of the matter is that your body has a tremendous capacity to recover on its own without external support whatsoever. All that it’s needed is the right diet and stress-free lifestyle. Have a glance at the following quotations.

“Provided one has the correct level of vitamin, mineral and nutritional input, the body can overcome disease.” ~ Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize Winner)

After 20 years of practice, treating thousands of patients with chronic illnesses, I recognized, yet again, that the most powerful tool in my toolkit is food. Not surgery, not medication. Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D. (American physician, scholar and New York Times best-selling author)

What it comes down to is this…

Start loving your body. Start giving the right foods. And that’s all you have to do. In response, your body rewards you with the pregnancy that you have been longing desperately.

Do you think that it is far away?

Not at all… Your body requires just a couple of months time to restore your health and revive your reproductive organs. I, therefore, urge you to start implementing what you have learned here immediately and make full use of this knowledge.

Conclusion: how to conceive with hydrosalpinx?

Your fallopian tubes were blocked and swollen with fluid. No medicines can cure hydrosalpinx. Untreated hydrosalpinx could completely destroy your ovaries; cause infection and inflammation in the uterus. When the fallopian tubes rupture, it is fatal.


If you have already undergone Ultrasound or Sonography and worried about whether you can get pregnant…

Realize this truth…

There is a better way to deal with blocked fallopian tubes…

3 Step Hormone Balance Plan: To Avoid the Risk of 73 Various Health Problems and Damaging Infertility (Doctors Don’t Tell This)

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