10 Lifestyle Changes to Reduce Fibroids Growth

It’s a frightening STATISTICS: One study found that between 80% and 90% of African American women and 70% of white women will develop fibroids by age 50. That’s a lot of women with this problem, isn’t it? nichd.nih.gov/health

And yet most women are not aware of these statistics. Another surprising study found the association between uterine fibroids and lifestyles including diet, physical activity and stressncbi.nlm.gov

So the fact is that fibroid is a serious problem with excruciating pain and host of other issues.

Fortunately, however, women like you can minimize the evil effects of fibroids if you know the 10 diet rules we are about to discuss here…

The question is which foods to avoid and which foods to take to get rid of fibroids.

That’s what this article is about.

Read on…

Are you thinking to remove painful uterine fibroids?

Fibroids literally kill with its severe pain and non-stop periods. It ruins sex life and endangers the dreams of becoming a Mom. Fibroids are the number ONE reason for hysterectomy in the US.

“Each year, up to 500,000 women in the United States have a hysterectomy”- Observer.Com

I upset…

I feel upset when I have seen news of a teenage girl who removed her uterus unable to bear the extreme pain. It really made me very sad that modern medicine fails to treat the menace of fibroids for which woman has to sacrifice her motherhood.

The real problem is this…

The real tragedy is that the removal of the uterus doesn’t give women freedom from disease. Here you have to realize one thing. The fibroids itself is not a problem.

The real problem is estrogen dominance. The removal of the uterus doesn’t correct estrogen dominance and therefore it will manifest in various forms including ovarian cysts and breast cancer.

“Endometrial cancer, uterine sarcoma, cervical cancer, and cancer of the ovaries or fallopian tubes often require a hysterectomy.” Observer.Com 

So Fibroids is the symptom and estrogen dominance is the disease.

The First and foremost…

You have to realize that there is no fault with your body and therefore stop feeling bad about yourself. The environment you live, the diets you eat and everyday products you use are responsible for estrogen dominance in your body.

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What it means is that the environment you live, the foods available in the market is bad but not your body. If you can acknowledge this fact and take corrective measures, your body is capable of restoring its health and you will be free from not only fibroids but also other life-threatening diseases.

What are fibroids?

Fibroids are the tumors and they grow in the uterus cavity or on the wall of the uterus. Estrogen and progesterone hormonal imbalance is responsible for the growth of fibroids.

Complications of Fibroids growth:

  • Fibroids cause you mild to severe painful periods…If this is your problem you can skip to my blog post Are You Sick of Fibroids Pain and Bleeding?
  • Fibroids could cause infertility…
  • Fibroids could block your fallopian tubes…

The root cause of fibroids

Estrogen dominance

Excess estrogen in your body feeds fibroids and therefore your fibroids grow bigger. Estrogen comes from the foods you eat and the environment you live in. So unknowingly you are feeding your fibroids regularly. Don’t think that it is only a fertility problem. Excess estrogen will cause breast cancer, ovarian cysts and other life-threatening diseases.

“Study after study has repeatedly shown that the majority of breast cancers in adult women are non-genetically linked, and upwards of eighty percent of breast cancer, is caused by estrogen dominance. Michael Lam, M.D…Read more 

The good news is this.

your fibroids will starve, shrink and die.

Once you realize this fact and take necessary dietary changes,  your fibroids will starve, shrink and die.

How to shrink fibroids with foods and lifestyle changes

Can I really shrink uterine fibroids with foods?

Is the surgery only option for removing my fibroids?

What are the foods and things to be avoided to shrink my fibroids?

Let us discuss and figure out the right answers…

Just Imagine…

Your fibroids causing you severe pain…

You’re experiencing a lot of inconvenience even to pee and poop…

Your sex life also getting affected…

You met the doctor and they surgically removed your fibroids.

You felt happy…

But after a few months, you are once again diagnosed with fibroids. This time you’re not so scared about the surgery. This time also the fibroid is removed successfully.

Once again you’re relieved from painful symptoms of fibroids… And that is how you have had three surgeries….

Still, you are not free from haunting fibroids… This time your doctor removed your uterus (hysterectomy) as the fibroids coming repeatedly…

After four surgeries you have a sense of relief as you get rid of fibroids once for the all. You’re thinking that all your problems are over…

This is how fibroids victims are leading their life…

But is it true you are free from all the problems?

Do the surgeons remove the cause of fibroids?

Fibroids grow because there is too much bad estrogen in your body. Estrogen feeds fibroids and they grow bigger and bigger.

So the food for fibroids is estrogen…

Estrogen comes from the foods you eat, the environment you live and the lifestyle you adapt…

The state of too much estrogen and too less progesterone is often referred to as estrogen dominance.

Modern doctors removing the uterus left and right but not removing estrogen dominance… In other words, doctors only eliminating the consequence but did not touch the cause of fibroids.

What does it mean to you?

You are never free from the consequences of excess estrogen unless you restore your estrogen and progesterone balance.

Here are the risks associated with estrogen dominance…

•Blood Clots
•Elevated Blood Pressure
•Fibroid Breasts
•Irregular Menstrual Flow
•Uterine Fibroids
•Breast Tenderness
•Mood Swings
•Uterine Cancer
•Hair Loss
•Weight Gain
•Migraine Headaches
•Breast Cancer Risk
•Abnormal Pap Smears
•Fluid Retention
•Vaginal Dryness
•Thyroid Imbalances
•Decrease in Memory
•Low or No Sex Drive
•And many more…

Now let me ask you a question…

Which is better whether to remove fibroids or the estrogen dominance?

Your doctor doesn’t tell this fact to you…

Your doctor straight away removes your uterus without considering estrogen dominance.

Fibroids are the number 1 reason for hysterectomy in the US…

Most of the highly intellectual women realizing the limitations of modern medicine and making changes in their lifestyle….

I’m sure; you being an intellectual take the right decisions and protect your fertility and overall health.

How to control estrogen dominance and shrink fibroids naturally?

You have to make lifestyle changes.(Pills and surgeries can’t help you much)

So here are 10 lifestyle changes to make according to experts if you want to shrink fibroids and prevent life threatening diseases.

Here are 10 lifestyle changes…

Here are 10 Lifestyle changes to make that shrink fibroids naturally

1: Minimize High Glycemic Index Foods

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Foods high in glycemic-index raise your blood sugar levels, which in turn increases the levels of estrogens. High-glycemic-index diet is one of the leading causes of estrogen dominance.

So Avoid or minimize High-glycemic-index foods like white rice, white bread, rice cakes, French fries and donuts.

2: Maximize low Glycemic Index Foods

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Low-glycemic-index foods reduce menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms. You’ll notice a substantial improvement in your energy level and moods.

Here is the list Low-glycemic-index foods…

Leafy greens
Beans and peas
Sweet potatoes
Meat and fish
Milk, yogurt and cheese
Sourdough and pumpernickel bread
Peanuts, other nuts and seeds
Dark chocolate

3: Maintain Alkaline-Acid Balance 

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For optimal cellular health, your blood pH must be slightly alkaline with a pH between 7.365 and 7.45. Our bodies are programmed to maintain this range. Even the slightest dip or rise in pH can have seriously dangerous consequences.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is full of acidic substances and foods—meat, dairy, highly processed food products and refined sugar.

By eating a more alkaline diet (leafy greens, wheatgrass, veggies, sprouts, avocados, green juices and smoothies) as opposed to an acidic diet (high in animal products, processed carbs, refined sugar, energy drinks, etc), we maintain hormone balance and good health.

So Minimize animal products, processed carbs, refined sugar, energy drinks, etc. Maximize leafy greens, wheatgrass, veggies, sprouts, avocados, green juices and smoothies…

4: Maximize the consumption of raw foods

Raw foods

Take at least 30 to 40% of fresh vegetables and fruits every day. Fresh vegetables and fruits carry huge volumes of vitality when compared to processed and preservative foods.

This one lifestyle change can bring a lot of change in your body and mind. Your body feels very light. Your mind feels Calmness. These changes restore your hormone balance.

5: Eliminate food allergens

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When the body’s immune system reacts abnormally to something a person eats or drinks, it’s known as a food allergy.

According to Food Allergy Research and Education (FARE), eight foods are responsible for 90 percent of food  allergies. Foodallergy.org

They are:

  • Cow’s milk
  • Eggs
  • Peanuts
  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Tree nuts (such as cashews or walnuts)
  • Wheat
  • Soy

So be careful about these allergic foods. Check whether any of the above foods are allergic to you and avoid them.

6: Start exercise program

lose weight

Excess body fat (especially stored in the hips, waist, and thighs) is one of the leading causes of estrogen dominance. Scientificamerican.com

Shedding of excess fat is therefore a prerequisite to shrink fibroids. So start practicing exercises  daily. Combine cardio with stretching exercises for maximum benefit.

7: Enhance your immune system

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Every part of your body, including your immune system, functions better with healthy-lifestyle…

  • Don’t smoke.
  • Eat a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Control your blood pressure.
  • If you drink alcohol, drink only in moderation.

8: Avoid plastic containers and cosmetics:


Plastic containers and bottles contain xenoestrogens – natural or synthetic compounds that imitate estrogen. They’re found in many plastics.Plastic in all its forms, including in water bottles, food wrap, and storage containers.So, store your foods and beverages in glass.

Xenoestrogens are commonly found in many cosmetics, hair, skin care and hygiene products. They are harmful because they are absorbed directly into your tissues. They never have the chance to be detoxified through your liver. amymyersmd.com

9: Detoxify your body 

Fertilty Cleanse

This is the most important step to shrink fibroids.

The liver is the body’s largest gland. One of its major function is to detoxify the entire body. If the liver is not working properly, the body will be filled with toxins and excess hormones Estrogen is metabolized in the liver.

Estrogen that is not metabolized by the liver will continue to circulate and exert its effect on the body. Herbs that detoxifies and strengthens the liver will help speed up the removal of excess estrogen, toxins and other impurities from the body.

If you’re not conceiving, no matter what you do, toxicity in your body is one of the important factors behind your infertility problem.

Five herbs found in Fertility Cleansing Kit cleanse Liver and uterus and restore liver and uterus health. Restoration of lever and uterus health is therefore the secret of conceiving fast.

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10: Maintaitain restfulness

The Fertility Yoga Plan3D

Your body begins to use the sex hormone progesterone to make cortisol when you’re chronically stressed. Low levels of progesterone lead to estrogen dominance. compoundinglab.com.au

A daily dose of restfulness is necessary to maintain and restore our health. Here I am not talking about a daily dose of sleep… What I am talking is a daily dose of restfulness.

Sleeping and restfulness are two different things. Restfulness is a state of quietness and this is an opposite state of tension.You can sit and be in a state of restfulness or in a state of tension.

You can perform your work in a state of restfulness or in a state of tension.You try to do every act in a state of restfulness if you are conscious enough.

Learn the yogic skill of restfulness following  yoga or meditation techniques.

It is here our “The Fertility Yoga Plan” is helpful to you.

“The Fertility Yoga Plan” is all about 3 yogic techniques that could change your life.

Got 30 Minutes A Day? That’s All You Need to shrink your fibroids and Get Pregnancy naturally. (New Scientific Studies Confirm)>>>

Bottom line…

Estrogen dominance is the main culprit for your fibroids. High estrogen levels are believed to cause 80% of all breast cancers. Following the above 10 lifestyle changes, you can control the estrogen dominance and thereby shrink your fibroids naturally without surgery.

Take Away…

You can shrink your fibroid permanently and prevent life-threatening diseases following the 10 lifestyle changes discussed in this article.

3 Step Hormone Balance Plan: To Avoid the Risk of 73 Various Health Problems and Damaging Infertility (Doctors Don’t Tell This)

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