One in eight couples is unable to get pregnant or unable to sustain the pregnancy.
Threat to Womanhood
Women right from the childhood imagine themselves as mothers as it is their innate nature. Social and cultural influences solidify womanhood. When this image is threatened, they feel lost control of their life. It causes her to doubt her very womanhood.
The Trauma of Infertility
The trauma of infertility impacts their marriage and relationship with others.It also affects their career and social life. They feel isolated in this lonely battle against infertility.
Infertility a Disease of Uncertainty
Many women don’t know the actual cause of infertility; don’t know what to do exactly. They tired of the uncertainty of everything. They go through the uncertainty of test results and treatment. They don’t know how long treatment goes and when it ends.
Know the Enemy and Win the Battle
What does this mean to you?
First, acknowledge the fact that your body has inherent ability to create the life but this ability has been stolen by the enemies.
Second, you find out the enemies of your fertility.
Thirdly, fight the enemies of fertility successfully and restore your ability to create the life.
In this article, I am giving the information of 23 deadly enemies of fertility that pose a threat to your womanhood.
Don’t let these fertility enemies take away your motherhood.
A better understanding of your enemies allows you to strategize better and win over them.
Read this article thoroughly to find out how these enemies are taking away your motherhood and how you can reclaim your womanhood.
Here are the 23 Fertility Enemies:
Fertility enemy #1: Coffee
“High levels of caffeine intake may delay conception among fertile women”
“Multiple studies have suggested that CAFFEINE consumption increases the risk of miscarriage.”
Fertility enemy #2: Green tea
“Drinking green tea too often may lower fertility”
Fertility enemy #3: Low-fat dairy products
“Women who eat lots of low-fat dairy products face an 85 percent higher risk of ovulatory infertility”
Fertility enemy #4: Gluten foods
“It’s been well established in research that women with the untreated celiac disease and gluten intolerance suffer a higher rate of miscarriages.”
Fertility enemy #5: GM foods
“New study confirms that GM food damages fertility”
Fertility enemy #6: Fracking
“Study Links Fracking (oil and gas development) to infertility, miscarriages, birth defects”
Fertility enemy #7: Exposure to BPA
“Miscarriage risk rises with BPA exposure; study finds”
Fertility enemy #8: Pain Relievers
“Taking several common over the counter pain relievers, like Aleve, Motrin, and Advil can increase a woman’s chances of being infertile by up to 75%”
Fertility enemy #9: Hard workouts
“New research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) shows that the body may not have enough energy to support both hard workouts and getting pregnant.”
Fertility enemy #10: Smoking
“A U.S. study has found that both active and passive SMOKING are linked to fertility problems and early menopause in women.”
Fertility enemy #11: Drinking alcohol
“Drinking alcohol, even in moderation, can make it more difficult to conceive.”
Fertility enemy #12: Traffic fumes
“Air pollution and traffic fumes tied to infertility risk”
Fertility enemy #13: Vaginal douching
“Vaginal douching may increase a woman’s risk of infertility”
Fertility enemy #14: High levels of prolactin
“Women with higher blood levels of prolactin may have an increased risk of breast cancer”
Fertility enemy #15: Antidepressants
“Antidepressants linked to pregnancy risks in infertility treatment”
Fertility enemy #16: Fast food
“Too much fast food may cause infertility; study says”
Fertility enemy #17: Sunscreen
“Sunscreen could be another cause of infertility”
Fertility enemy #18: Obesity
“Obesity increasingly becoming a cause for infertility in urban Indian women”
Fertility enemy #19: Soap and Creams
“Household soap and creams causing female infertility”
Fertility enemy #20: Herbicides
“Use of Amitrole and Isoproturon, herbicides that have been linked to cancer, infertility and birth defects, is prohibited from 30 September”
Fertility enemy #21: DDT and Phthalates
“Endocrine-disrupting chemicals like DDT and phthalates may raise risk of developing endometriosis, and uterine fibroids”
Fertility enemy #22: Radioactive Iodine
“Radioactive iodine treatment in women affects ovarian reserve and may affect fertility”
Life enemies #23: Infertility Treatment
“There is a link between the use of ovulation induction drugs and ovarian cancer”
“IVF treatments pose a significant risk of subsequent long-term ovarian and uterine cancer.”
It is a big list of fertility enemies.
I have not discovered these enemies.
All these findings are based on scientific studies.
What are these studies proving?
Your infertility is caused by the immunity destroying diets that you eat; an incoherent lifestyle that you follow; hormone-disrupting chemicals that you are exposed to.
That is why!
Your body is ridden with toxins and chemicals.
Your immune system is wearing out.
Your body turned into acidic.
Your body cells are being clogged.
Your body tissues are inflaming.
Your systems and organs are deteriorating.
This has been happening inside your body without your knowledge.
You will experience the manifestations in the form of PCOS, endometriosis, ovulation problems, poor egg quality, Fallopian tube blockages….
Your Infertility is the consequence of all these factors put together.
Infertility is not the end of problem.
You have a risk of other chronic diseases.
What is the takeaway from this article?
You know 23 fertility enemies.
You know the potential of your womanhood.
So, you can wage war against them and win the battle.
Fighting infertility and saving the womanhood is your responsibility.
Doctors at the most manage the symptoms for a while.
So don’t hand over your responsibility to the Doctors.
And finally this is my promise…
My latest book “The 3 Step fertility code” is a “natural hormone balance plan” to help you reset your hormonal imbalances.
Our “The 3 Step fertility code” is simplified and systematized. It is based on modern mind science and ancient Yogic science… If this weapon is in your hands, you can get rid of ALL your hormonal imbalances and fertility problems. Why because you’re reviving your own body pharmacy.
“The 3 Step fertility code” is for women who believe “It won’t be easy, but I’ll conceive somehow”. It’s therefore perfect for you if:
- You’ve been trying for months or years with no luck.
- You’re skeptical about natural methods but you want to try it.
- You’re already in the process of IVF or IUI and you want to enhance its success rate.
- You want to avoid fertility treatments such as IVF or IUI and want to try naturally.
- You have hormonal problems like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids or irregular cycles.
- You have fertility issues like blocked tubes, high prolactin levels and low AMH levels.
Click here to learn more and discover how you can conceive in 3 months with 3 step fertility code!