7 Foods You Don’t Believe that Cure PCOS

Imagine how you’ll feel when you finally get rid of all the PCOS issues once for all. No more period guessing game. No more vicious weight circle. No more excess hair growth. No more cystic acne. And finally, you can also flaunt your body like any other women…

This is the deep desire of every woman with PCOS. But the question is whether that is really possible…

The answer is (YES) provided if you realize ONE life-changing insight ….

I know!  battling with PCOS…  how painful it is…

You may have tried everything under the sun but nothing seems to be effective…

PCOS destroys your self-esteem with its embarrassing symptoms…

Is it not a fact?

Every doctor tells you that you have higher levels of testosterone in your body. But no one offers the right treatment for it. The feminine nature in you will get a serious setback. You are always doubtful and fearful…  PCOS is, therefore; mess with every aspect of a woman’s life.

Including your relationship..,

PCOS is painful both physically and emotionally. You may fear that PCOS may hurt your relationship. You may be correct or incorrect. In case you’re feelings are true your relationship may fall apart.

When doctor say “PCOS can’t be cured” what does it mean…

Modern doctors always say “The cause of PCOS is not known.  “PCOS can’t be cured. It can only be managed“.

Whenever I see such statements I remember the following quotation…

“Half a truth is often a great lie.” Benjamin Franklin

Here the half truth is “PCOS can’t be cured”…

Anyway let us come to the moot point…

Can PCOS can really be cured completely


They don’t know the cause of PCOS and therefore they can’t cure it… This is the correct statement…

Download Free Report “How Not To Remain Infertile. Discover The Right Way To Reverse Infertility And Conceive Without Struggling For Years And Trying Hard…

If you carefully read the above sentence you can also say that “if you know the cause of PCOS you can cure PCOS…

So the statement of “PCOS can’t be cured is lie…”

In view of the above, let us try to find out the root cause of PCOS. Without knowing the root cause it is not possible for us to fight with the PCOS effectively…

First, let us know certain facts about PCOS

PCOS Facts:

Most of the PCOS sufferers have high androgen levels. The average normal testosterone levels in adult females are around 15-70 nanograms per decilier (ng/dl)(as opposed to 270-1070 (ng/dl)for a guy). High testosterone causes symptoms like acne, rough state, more pubic and facial hair, balding, full beard; growth of clitoris…PCOS is therefore linked to the high testosterone levels.

Most of the PCOS sufferers have high insulin levels. 50 to 80% of women with PCOS have high insulin levels… Insulin resistance is a precursor to several serious problems, including excess weight, obesity, prediabetes, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer’s, stroke, and some cancers. PCOS is therefore linked to the high insulin levels.

28% of women with obesity have PCOS. 5% of lean women have PCOS. PCOS is therefore linked to the obesity also.

Continual stress increases the stress hormones, such as cortisol, and also increases the level of androgens.

Based on the above facts can we infer the exact cause of PCOS?

We can definitely say the cause of PCOS is high testosterone, high insulin levels, obesity and high stress levels.

None of the modern PCOS treatments may address all the above four causes and therefore can’t be fully relied on.

Learn to fight your PCOS on your own…

Since modern medicine can’t take your responsibility, you have to take your own responsibility and fight it.

What Causes PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is apparently caused by

  • High androgen levels
  • High insulin levels
  • Obesity and fat cells
  • High stress levels

What does it mean?

With simple dietary and lifestyle changes you can correct the imbalance in your body;

If you can acknowledge the above facts you may start believing that it is curable…

So dive into this content with an open mind…

The Foods I am suggesting you below may look over simplistic…

But the fact remains that the PCOS is curable with simple diet changes….

But anyway …

The following 7 foods are PCOS friendly and I am sure they will help you cure PCOS…

1. Brown Rice

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Avoid all the foods made of refined carbohydrates…

And substitute with organic long version brown rice…

There’s a good reason why, in some countries, the word “to eat” literally means “to eat rice.” The locals don’t need reminding that fiber-rich brown rice, rather than the refined white variety, is one of the world’s healthiest foods.

The process that produces brown rice removes only the outermost layer, or hull, of the rice kernel and is the least damaging to its nutritional value. On the other hand, the milling and polishing that converts brown rice into white destroy 67% of its vitamin B3 content, 80% of B1, 90% of B6, half of the manganese, half of the phosphorus, 60% of the iron and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids. Click Here To Read More!

2. Raw Nuts

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Raw nuts such as almonds and pine nuts are highly nutritious…

The best source of digestible proteins…

Consume in small quantities to reduce stress on your digestive system.

Eat fiber-rich foods for easy digestion…

Nuts! If you’re in need of a healthy PCOS snack this fall, you could do much worse than help yourself to moderate amounts of certain nuts. After years of being disparaged as “bad” food, nuts are now being credited with a wide range of benefits, ranging from helping to lower the risk of heart attacks and Pre-Diabetes to maintaining young, elastic skin and reducing a chance of developing gallstones and Alzheimer’s disease.

High levels of saturated fats are at increased risk for heart disease. But some fats like polyunsaturated and monounsaturated are good for you in small doses. Tree nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, macadamias, pecans and walnuts have no cholesterol and they’re high in healthier unsaturated fats which help reduce LDL “bad” cholesterol and triglyceride blood fat levels.

Nuts can also help prevent the onset of a number of disorders linked to reversible Insulin Resistance, an imbalance of glucose and insulin levels that may lead to obesity and the cluster of cardiovascular diseases called Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X). Insulin Resistance and obesity are also underlying causes of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) a major source of female infertility, and Pre-Diabetes, which, if neglected, can lead to irreversible Type 2 Diabetes – a condition that can only be managed and may require daily injections of insulin for the rest of a person’s life. Click Here To Read More!

3 Step Hormone Balance Plan: To Avoid the Risk of 73 Various Health Problems and Damaging Infertility (Doctors Don’t Tell This)

3. Sprouts

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Sprouts are highly nutritious and cleansers of toxic build up…

Combine sprouted lentils with long brown rice to make it perfect meal…

Enjoy it in moderation…

Foods from the brassica family of vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cabbage help the body to excrete excess hormones. They are also high in nutrition value providing high amounts of vitamin C, soluble fiber and cancer prevention properties. Avoid boiling brassica vegetables as this reduces nutrients, instead microwave, steam (3-4 minutes) or stir fry. Click Here To Read More!

4. Broccoli

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Broccoli is best alkaline food….

Help in reducing insulin résistance…

Improve your immunity…

Broccoli is one of the best foods for women suffering from PCOS. It has a very low Glycemic index (which is what you want), is a great source of calcium and is extremely low in calories. Green leafy vegetables are also great as they contain the iron, folic acid, calcium and potassium which are all needed to help your reproductive system and body function well. Try implementing spinach, celery, lettuce, coriander, mint, cauliflower greens and cabbage into your daily diet and make sure you steam them to retain as many nutrients as possible. Click Here To Read More!

5. Onions

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Promote liver detoxification

Combine with probiotic supplements to improve digestive system…

Chromium is a component of the glucose tolerance factor (GTF) which helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by making insulin more efficient. This will fight insulin resistance which is often associated with PCOS. Furthermore, chromium promotes weight loss due to its ability to help control cravings, reduce hunger, and control fat in the blood. Click Here To Read More!

6. Garlic

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Garlic is an excellent blood cleanser

Function as a powerful antibiotic and antiseptic.

It can also lower your cholesterol….

A study claims to have cracked the mystery of why eating garlic can help keep the heart healthy and improve your Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome health.

The key ingredient is allicin, which is broken down into the foul-smelling sulfur compounds which, unfortunately, taint breath. These compounds react with red blood cells and produce hydrogen sulphide which relaxes the blood vessels and keeps blood flowing easily. Click Here To Read More!

7. Wheatgrass

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It is powerful for treating PCOS…

It purifies the blood, detoxifies the liver and cleanses the colon…

It also acts as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

Wheatgrass Juice is one of the best sources of living chlorophyll available. Wheatgrass is high in oxygen like all green plants that contain chlorophyll. The brain and all body tissues function at an optimal level in a highly-oxygenated environment.

Farmers in the Midwest who have sterile cows and bulls put them on wheatgrass to restore fertility. (The high magnesium content in chlorophyll builds enzymes that restore the sex hormones.) Wheatgrass is beneficial to fertility for the number of positive effects it has on the body. See How to Get Pregnant Quickly Even If You Have PCOS or Cysts

Consumption of wheatgrass helps to balance PH levels in the body to make a more suitable environment for ovary and sperm. It increases oxygen levels in the body to improve cell and organ structure and acts as an overall fertility enhancer. Click Here To Read More!

All the seven foods given above are intended to help you reversing all the hormonal imbalances, strengthening your immunity system and eliminating the toxin buildup….

And that is how you can reverse the PCOS condition naturally

So start adding the above foods in your daily diet regimen and so you will see the change soon…

Here are the Do’s and Don’t s to PCOS Natural treatment

Have regular physical exercise:

Brisk walking for at least 20 minutes every day is good enough to reduce insulin resistance and excess androgens. This is the best way to reduce your weight and correct your irregular periods.

Eat low GI foods:

Eating low GI foods reduce your androgen levels. If you have severe acne this is the best solution.

Eat fresh fruits and vegetables:

Fresh fruits and vegetables contain fiber that eliminates testosterone from the stool. Ensure that you are taking a minimum of 40 grams of fiber per day for the best results.

Practice Meditation and yoga:

The root cause of the PCOS is high levels of stress and all other symptoms are cascading effects of high stress. The only way you can reduce your stress is by practicing meditation and yoga regularly…

3 Yogic Techniques That Change Your Life: Got 30 Minutes A Day? That’s All You Need to Get Pregnancy. (New Scientific Studies Confirm)

Minimize the use of plastics having BPA:

Bisphenol a (BPA) is a chemical used in the lining of some food and beverage packaging to protect food from contamination and extend shelf life. Studies reported that PCOS women have higher levels of BPA that corresponds with high levels of androgen and insulin resistance.

Realize this life-changing insight…

Realise this truth…

PCOS  mess with every aspect of woman’s life across the lifespan…

Polycystic ovary syndrome: a complex condition with psychological, reproductive and metabolic manifestations that impacts on health across the lifespan…Read full report

How PCOS Mess with Your Life

3 Step Hormone Balance Plan: To Avoid the Risk of 73 Various Health Problems and Damaging Infertility (Doctors Don’t Tell This)

And yet you can fight PCOS problems….

Here is how you can get Pregnant with PCOS

Your body REQUIRES a well balanced blend of antioxidants to REVERSE the DANGERS of poor dietary choices, decreasing egg health and increasing toxicity.

Also remember…

The easiest and the fastest way to get pregnancy is coinciding the baby dance with the ovulation date.

Her is how you can shed PCOS weight gain

One of the best ways to shed extra pounds is drinking Detox Tea That Melt Away 1lb Belly Fat Daily.

Just by drinking 1 glass of this tasty tea in the morning sets you up to burn more fat than 1 boring hour in the gym.

Finally Realize this truth…

There is better way to deal with PCOS and Put an end to all the PCOS problems…

The Surprising Truth About Infertility: Why Your Treatment Is Not Working? And Why Getting Pregnancy Becomes So Hard For You?

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