2 PCOS Myths You Should Stop Believing [Infographic]

Do you know the cause of PCOS?

Perhaps you are familiar with the following phraseology;

The cause of PCOS is unknown. But most experts think that several factors, including genetics, could play a role. Women with PCOS are more likely to have a mother or sister with PCOS.

Are you interested in knowing the real cause of PCOS?

Then take a look at the following infographic;

pcos myths, pcos awareness facts, pcos misconceptions, pcos infographic, pcos awareness


The above infographic is based on the references cited above…

Out of all the references the following video influenced me the most;

Do you think that this infographic answered your question?

PCOS Awareness Facts:

  • Women with PCOS have higher rates of anxiety and depression than women without the syndrome.
  • Worldwide, PCOS affects 6% to 10% of women, making it the most common endocrinopathy in women of childbearing age.
  • Elevated insulin or insulin resistance is not part of the diagnostic criteria for PCOS but is seen in the majority of women with PCOS.
  • The diagnostic criteria for PCOS states that a woman has PCOS if she has at least 2 of the following 3 criteria: a. Irregular or absent periods, b. blood tests or physical signs that show high androgens, c. Polycystic ovaries
  • The United States spends an estimated $4 billion annually to identify and manage PCOS.
  • Women with PCOS are at a higher risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea due to the influence of androgens affecting sleep receptors in the brain.
  • Women with PCOS can have monthly menstrual cycles and still have PCOS.
  • Despite its name, not all women with PCOS actually have cysts on their ovaries.
  • Characteristics of PCOS were first described in 1935 by researchers Stein and Leventhal.
  • There are at least 10 different phenotypes associated with PCOS.
    Click Here To Read More!

Still doubtful…

Yes, you are right…

No one can give the correct answer to this question in the absence of proof…

Is each passing month a new disappointment for you?

PCOS victims are self-conscious about their weight.

They don’t go out public without makeup. Though they look confident outward often doubt about their relationship.

They are always scared whether they can ever be a MOM or not.


No matter what your Doctor says, you can beat PCOS completely with natural progesterone cream, medicinal herbs and healthy lifestyle. There is no need to suffer in silence and live with it.

But don’t D.E.L.A.Y…. as it could shatter your dreams irreversibly.

Realize this truth…

There is better way to deal with PCOS and Put an end to all the PCOS problems…

And finally this is my promise…

My latest book “The 3 Step fertility code” is a “natural hormone balance plan” to help you reset your hormonal imbalances.

Our “The 3 Step fertility code” is simplified and systematized. It is based on modern mind science and ancient Yogic science… If this weapon is in your hands, you can get rid of ALL your hormonal imbalances and fertility problems. Why because you’re reviving your own body pharmacy.

“The 3 Step fertility code” is for women who believe “It won’t be easy, but I’ll conceive somehow”. It’s therefore perfect for you if:

  • You’ve been trying for months or years with no luck.
  • You’re skeptical about natural methods but you want to try it.
  • You’re already in the process of IVF or IUI and you want to enhance its success rate.
  • You want to avoid fertility treatments such as IVF or IUI and want to try naturally.
  • You have hormonal problems like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids or irregular cycles.
  • You have fertility issues like blocked tubes, high prolactin levels and low AMH levels.

Click here to learn more and discover how you can conceive in 3 months with 3 step fertility code!

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