The Fastest Way to Get Pregnant Naturally

“Why Can’t I Get Pregnant Fast?”

You ask this question yourself every day.

I would like to answer this question in my series of articles with a title “The Fastest Way to Get Pregnant Naturally”.

Read all the articles in this series and you will find an answer to your question.

I know…

You have been trying to get pregnant for months without any success…

trying to get pregnant


  • What is wrong with me and why can’t I get pregnant fast?

You have tried everything that your doctor told you…

You’re fed up with people saying… “you have to eat this or that…”

You don’t believe in anything other than mainstream treatment and your Doctor ridicules alternative therapies…

You question yourself “what is wrong with me and why can’t I get pregnant fast?”

This reminds me a story that I heard a long back…

The story goes like this…

It was the winter time…

An old man went to fishing in the morning …

He cut a hole to catch the fish…While enjoying his beer waiting the whole day for fish…

It was evening and he could not catch even a single fish…. As he is killing his time with beer he wants to continue with patience…

At this time, a young boy came to the same fishing spot enjoying his music….he sat some distance from the old man and started his fishing and in about 10 minutes he caught his first trout…

The old man thinks that “when I am trying for more than 7 hours without any success, how can this boy catch the fish in 10 minutes”… He thinks that it is a pure luck otherwise, it wouldn’t possible… And he continued his fishing…

In another 10 minutes, the young boy catches another trout. The old man is still skeptical. In another 10 minutes, the young boy caught one more trout… So in 30 minutes, he caught three fish…

The old man can’t ignore anymore. So he kept his pride aside and moved towards the young man and asked what is the secret…

The young man replied “RURA RURA RUFF”. The old man got angry and said, “what is this nonsense”…Now the young man spat out a blab of something into his hands and said  “you have to keep the worms warm then only you catch the fish in this winter season”

The moral of the story is simple…You have to do the right things so the right things will happen to you.

That brings me to my secret #1 to get pregnant fast…

Secret #1  to get pregnant fast: You have to do the right things so the right things will happen to you

Existence is neutral. It is not judgmental…If you do right things, right things will happen to you.
Existence is neutral. It is not judgmental…If you do right things, right things will happen to you.

So instead of asking “why can’t I get pregnant fast?” ask the questions like “Am I doing right things?”…”Am I eating right foods” … “Am I thinking right thoughts”… “Am I treating right …”

With Right Soil, Right Seed, Right Water And Right Sunlight The Seed Must Sprout… This Is The Law of Life…

The Sprouting Seed
Image Via My Antar Life

Like the farmer tend the soil, you have to tend your body so that you will give birth to a child like the seed sprouts…
Create Right Conditions and Pregnancy Happens Naurally


More than that you have to realize that you being a woman, you have all the potential to conceive and give the birth to the child.

So in essence; you have to tend your body with right foods. You have to feed your mind with right thoughts… More than that you have to realize that you being a woman, you have all the potential to conceive and give the birth to the child. What you have to do is simple. i.e create the right environment doing five things and that restores your fertility very quickly without fail.

Secret #2  to get pregnant fast: You need the right tools to do right things


Knowing what to do is not enough.

You also need the right tools to do the right things…

And that brings me to my 2nd secret to getting pregnant fast…

You have to increase the blood circulation to all the organs, correct hormonal imbalance, eliminate toxins from your body, activate reproductive organs, lower blood cholesterol and glucose…

To do all these things you need the right tools…


Use the right tools to create the conditions


Tools required to get pregnant fast…

Now you know how to get pregnant fast naturally. Yes, just knowing even this information is quite an accomplishment…

But to take hundred percent advantage of it, you have to put this knowledge into use.

To put this knowledge into use you need right kind of tools.


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