Boosting fertility involves nutrition, cleansing, enhancing immunity and stress control…
10 Underlying Factors Responsible For PCOS – Everyone Should Know
Do you really want to know what causes the PCOS?
Regardless of what your doctors, friends and family members telling you, the fact is that PCOS is your body’s response to the way you think, eat and live the life…
7 Foods You Don’t Believe that Cure PCOS
Imagine how you’ll feel when you finally get rid of all the PCOS issues once for all. No more period guessing game. No more vicious weight circle. No more excess hair growth. No more cystic acne. And finally, you can also flaunt your body like any other women… This is the deep desire of every … Read more
Lifestyle Management is the best therapy for PCOS
This is Part 2 of a 2-Part series on getting rid of PCOS with natural methods:
Part 1 – [If you don’t read Part 1 go here] 10 Underlying Factors Responsible For PCOS – Everyone Should Know…
Part 2 – [You Are Here] Lifestyle Management is the best therapy for PCOS
Five Regular Foods You Eat Which Causes PCOS
This is Part 1 of a 2-Part series on getting rid of PCOS with natural methods:
Part 1 – [You Are Here] – Five Regular Foods You Eat Which Causes PCOS …
Four Step System To Treat High Prolactin Levels
Women with high levels of prolactin have twice the risk of breast cancer– and you’ll never even know this fact. prolactin and breast cancer risk
It’s shocking, isn’t it? And the worst part is that Elevated Prolactin Linked to Multiple MISCARRIAGES. It can also interrupt your MENSTRUAL CYCLE AND OVULATION. Perhaps this is what you are facing today.
But fortunately, you can fight it back. You can protect yourself from high prolactin levels by addressing the root cause of the disease with dietary and lifestyle changes…(Pills can’t do that)
So the main goal of your treatment should be the elimination of root cause but not getting pregnant. (Pregnancy happens, once you eliminate the root cause)
And all you have to do is follow the 4 step system to treat your high prolactin levels.
Before we get into this system first get back to some facts…
Can you conceive with high prolactin levels…
One question frequently asked me is “can I conceive with high prolactin levels?”
Whenever I see such questions, I can feel the pain and mental trauma you’re going through. I wish you didn’t have to go through that. But modern medicine fails to find out the right treatment for you. No wonder you’re upset and yet you don’t want to give up your hope of giving birth to your beloved child. It is a dream of every woman and therefore it shouldn’t be denied to you.
Coming back to this question” Can I conceive with high prolactin levels” my answer would be ”yes you can” provided if you understand and take corrective steps yourself without fully depending on the modern medicine.
Treat the disease also… Not just symptoms…
Please realize this fact…
Modern medicine only focuses on managing the symptoms but it can’t completely remove the disease from your body. What it simply means is that the underlying disease keeps growing and manifest into different forms…
It is scary but I must tell it…
You have a risk of infertility and miscarriages. You know this. But probably what you may not know is this. When the underlying disease becomes chronic, you’re prone to all sorts of diseases. It creates problems with all other systems of your body. Elevated prolactin levels also linked to breast cancer. So…the point is simple. If you only manage the symptoms without addressing its root cause you may prone to life-threatening diseases.
Because of this…
Your attention must be shifted to treating the root cause of the disease with dietary and lifestyle changes. Realize this fact. All the chronic diseases including high prolactin levels…. ovary dysfunction… irregular cycles… mood swings, depression and anxiety… lactation / Leaky nipples are caused by improper diets and stressful mind.
Unlike modern medicine, alternative therapies only focus on eliminating the disease. In view of these facts, I request you not to brush aside natural therapies.
In this article, you will discover a four-step system that cures high prolactin levels naturally in the shortest possible time.
How to Deal with Infertility Label?
You feel down in the dumps when you come to know that you have to go to an infertility clinic as you’re not ovulating.
If you share your problem with your friends they pity you. You feel like everybody labeling you as infertile.
How To Get Ovulation Without Going To Fertility Clinic?
Are you and your hubby trying to conceive for more than six months?
The chances are that if you are trying to conceive for more than six months and nothing is happening, frustration will bound to enter into your life.
Pregnancy Miracle e-Book, What’s In It? Suzis Ben Review
It is no mystery that women consider it the greatest and most fulfilling thing to ever achieve is to give birth to a healthy baby. This is considered as one of the life’s greatest gifts and life’s greatest mysteries as well.
Why You SHOULDN’T Follow Dr OZ Advice On Ovarian Cysts
You may call me I’m crazy but keep reading; you understand why I have given the above statement…
Today I happen to see Dr. Oz video with the title “Dr. Oz Show: Ovarian Cyst Treatment and Detection with Shocked Woman”.