I Am Fertility Blogger and Here Are the 10 Health Lessons I Learned

When we experience anxiety, worry and fear our body and our mind is unhappy. This unhappy body and mind degenerates our body systems and organs and that result disease. So here is the first lesson I have learned is this…

1. Disease is a reflection of unhappy body and unhappy mind.

When we suffer with anxiety, worry and fear we release the chemical called cortisol into the bloodstream. Cortisol is a fight or flight hormone. When we are in this mood the responsibility of our body and mind is protection but not restfulness and joyfulness. When we have more cortisol in our blood we will have less happy chemicals like endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin less female hormones like oestrogen and progesterone. That is the reason there is imbalance in the hormonal levels and thereby imbalance in the body systems. So here is the second lesson I have learned is this…

2. Disease is caused by imbalance in the body systems.

When we suffer with disease, we take the pills. These pills ease the uneasiness in our body. But it’s affect doesn’t long lost because our problems continuously affect our hormone imbalance. That is why we call our disease as chronic. Chronic means long suffering. Lifestyle change is only solution for chronic diseases. So here is the third lesson I have learned is this…

3. Drugs cannot substitute nutritious diet or joyful lifestyle.

Our chronic diseases are caused by stressful and painful lifestyle. Unless we resolve these psychological conflicts they keep on deteriorating your health. We may be taking pills and undergoing surgeries, yet the real cause of disease is continuously disrupt our health. So the modern treatment, just suppress the symptoms but can’t stop the disease from growing. So here is the fourth lesson I have learned is this…

4. Surgeons can remove the symptoms but can’t remove the cause of disease.

Everyone of us neglect our health only because of wrong impression in our minds that there is a larger scale hospitals and medical personnel are there to take care of for health. If we are rich people we arrogantly think that we can purchase the health no matter the expenses are and by the time we realise that pills and surgeries are not the solution we will lose our life. So here is the fifth lesson I have learned is this…

5. We cannot buy our health; we must earn it through healthy living.

The root cause of all the chronic diseases is improper diets and improper thoughts. So to fix the disease we have to change our diets, lead peaceful and joyful lifestyle. It may sound difficult but it’s all about disciplining our body and the mind. When we consistently take up the activities like regular exercise, strive for happy relationships and focus nutritious diets the disease disappear from our body. Anxiety and stress chemicals come down and happy and women chemicals raise in our blood stream. This is the only way one can restore the balance and achieve health. So the sixth lesson I have learned is this…

6. We don’t need treatment. we need to restore the balance.

Restoration of hormonal balance is the key that activates our self-healing capacity and we will experience a healthy body and a joyful mind. I have experientially realised that health is our natural state and we have an immense self-healing capacity in our body. So the seventh lesson I have learned is this…

7. Human body is a complete self-healing system.

The predominant cause of chronic diseases is an undisciplined mind. Experientially I can say that diet is responsible for the disease to an extent of 10 to 15% only. The mind is responsible for disease to an extent of 85 to 90%. So the eighth lesson I have learned is this…

8. Healing is mostly about reframing our thoughts and emotions.

The word “health” came from “whole”. When our body, mind and the energy’s are integrated then we call ourselves as whole. In fact achieving a true health is a process of resolving all the inner conflicts paving the way for a happy life. So the ninth lesson I have learned is this…

9. Health is a larger word and includes physical, mental and energetic well being.

We complicate the life but the truth is simple. We are born here not to suffer but to live a joyful life. So the 10th lesson I have learned is this…

10. Healthy Food and joyful life are the true medicines.

And finally this is my promise…

My latest book “The 3 Step fertility code” is  to help you reset your hormonal imbalances. Here I am focusing on dietary changes (to repair your body), Mind exercises (to reprogram your mind) and as a result your hormone balance is restored .

“The 3 Step fertility code” is about recalibrating your body (through right foods), mind (through right thoughts) and energy (through right lifestyle practices). Our “hormone balance plan” is simplified and systematized. It is based on modern mind science and ancient Yogic science… If this weapon is in your hands, you can get rid of ALL your hormonal imbalances and fertility problems. Why because you’re reviving your own body pharmacy.

I am a fertility blogger and our “five step hormone balance plan” is ceaseless effort of five years…And it is based on the following 10 lessons I have learned.

1. Disease is a reflection of unhappy body and unhappy mind.
2. Disease is caused by imbalance in the body systems.
3. Drugs cannot substitute nutritious diet or joyful lifestyle.
4. Surgeons can remove the symptoms but can’t remove the cause of disease.
5. We cannot buy our health; we must earn it through healthy living.
6. we don’t need treatment. we need to restore the balance.
7. Human body is a complete self-healing system.
8. Healing is mostly about reframing our thoughts and emotions.
9. Health is a larger word and includes physical, mental and energetic well being.
10. Healthy Food and joyful life are the true medicines.

The 3 Step Fertility Code is for women who believe “It won’t be easy, but I’ll conceive somehow”. It’s therefore perfect for you if:

  • You’ve been trying for months or years with no luck.
  • You’re skeptical about natural methods but you want to try it.
  • You’re already in the process of IVF or IUI and you want to enhance its success rate.
  • You want to avoid fertility treatments such as IVF or IUI and want to try naturally.
  • You have hormonal problems like PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids or irregular cycles.
  • You have fertility issues like blocked tubes, high prolactin levels and low AMH levels.

Click here to learn more and discover how you can conceive in 3 months with 3 step fertility code!

Here Are the 10 Health Lessons I Learned As a Fertility Blogger